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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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Evidence please.

It's six years since I worked for SCC. While I was there I was always answering phone calls, letters, emails asking when there was going to be permit parking in Hillsborough. People had been asking for a scheme for years.


How exactly do you think I'm going to give you evidence of this?

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Yeah - I go to Crookes or Walkley now for local shopping.


Would rather than extra 5 minute journey than pay this council tax supplement.


I feel sorry for local businesses in Hillsborough - when they all start closing hopefully people will remember what the deathknell was.


what's wrong with using the car parks?


is your shopping that important that you have to inconvenience the local residents by causing them to have to park a greater distance from their front doors than necessary? in my part of the scheme there has been a noticable drop in the number of random cars on the street which has definitly improved the environment for the residents.

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Well, yes, but whenever we point them out, you blame the recession.


perhaps because the recession is to blame..........


and lets not forget the real problem which is people who whine about the demise of local shops then order their groceries from tesco online and everything else from amazon

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No, there aren't widespread closures.

The problem is that you blame every business closure on the permit scheme. There is always turnover of businesses in any shopping centre.


No I don't, but even in the case where I actually asked the manager whether the parking scheme was a contributory factor to their closing down and he said yes, you still refused to believe it.

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Why should I provide you with details, go to the Council's website and have a look yourself or contact them and ask your questions. I'm not your lackey.


The results were published and widely discussed on here at the time.


If you can't find anything there I can give you details of a Council officer who will be able to answer any questions you have about the Hillsborough scheme. PM me if you want them.


The Council did an area wide consultation on the Hillsboro permit scheme and only implemented it on streets where there was support. Streets which didn't want permit parking did't get it.


You seem to 'know' what the 'majority' of people wanted in respect of these permits, despite not being involved in the scheme or living in the area.


If you're not willing to provide any evidence in support of you argument fine. People can draw their own conclusions from that.


As you've mentioned in previous posts, displacement from the implementation of these schemes have an effect on streets that do not want to be part of them.


Streets that did not want to be part of the scheme may not get permits but they sure pay for there implementation.

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It's six years since I worked for SCC. While I was there I was always answering phone calls, letters, emails asking when there was going to be permit parking in Hillsborough. People had been asking for a scheme for years.


How exactly do you think I'm going to give you evidence of this?


To quote your post 1671 above:


The Council did an area wide consultation on the Hillsboro permit scheme and only implemented it on streets where there was support. Streets which didn't want permit parking did't get it.


Evidence please.

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Yeah - I go to Crookes or Walkley now for local shopping.


Would rather than extra 5 minute journey than pay this council tax supplement.


I feel sorry for local businesses in Hillsborough - when they all start closing hopefully people will remember what the deathknell was.


The ironic thing about this is that the council have recently been running an 'Experience Hillsborough' campaign as they recognise that the shopping district is suffering.


So what do they do to enhance the Hillsborough Experience? Start charging people to go there.

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