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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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It takes a large amount of it


You're easily amazed.


As you would expect, with vastly increasing car use comes a vast increase in the problems that cars cause. Some of the means by which those problems are mitigated mean that not all traffic movements can be maintained on all roads. None of it is exclusive to Sheffield, it's exactly the same as you see in every major town and city.




More like trebled, but as HotPhil says, hardly a typical journey.



Thousands of cars probably go a completely different route to the one you describe if they want to access Hillsborough. The tram gates have been in place for what, 17 years? They've had plenty of time to work it out.


If you cared a jot about pollution and air quality, would you be driving a conventional car? Where the introduction of the tram gates might have increased traffic on some routes, it has certainly reduced it on others. anyone remember the huge queues that used to develop on Langsett Rd out of city towards Hillsboro Corner? The tram also attracts a lot of car drivers onto a more sustainable and less polluting travel mode, so it's a case of swings and roundabouts.


Does someone force these people to make the illegal turn? There is a perfectly legal alternative, they are just too lazy and selfish to use it.




Tram gates might have been introduced 17 years ago; they've been enforced for what? 5 years? Even then the signage was deemed inadequate and had to be changed.


If the tramgates were to encourage public transport use, then its failed if, as you state, there is vastly increasing car use.


Peoples travel habits are for them to decide. Some think nothing of driving 400 yards to pick up a paper. Not environmetally friendly but its their choice.


Myself, if I'm out in the car, I try to combine all visits into as few journeys as possible. Makes sense from both a green and financial position.


Today, I got the bus to work. Did you?

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That is not the cause of the queues. on Holme Lane. I drive down there most mornings at various times during peak hours. It's sheer volume of traffic causing the queue. There isn't enough capacity at Hillsborough Coner to move it all. Volume of traffic joining from side roads is quite low compared to the main flow.


Beg to differ on this. Can you define quite low?


When I have to use the car for work I join Holme Lane at Wood Road and will have let several cars in in front of me by the time I hit Hillsborough Corner.

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When you implement changes there are always winners and losers. West St looked quite down at heel before the tram was put in, look at it now!


Apart from a few changes in use, and traffic restrictions as usual to the side roads, not a lot different, your point being.

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I live on the bottom end of Taplin, and have to get my two young children across the road regularly. Yeah, its good for road safety, because they see cars coming round Beres corner, hardly slowing down, and they are learning fast that a high % of drivers are sefish, or nutters, or both. So I'd appreaciate it if all you non-Hills residents would shut up about your poor old diversions and petrol costs, and just have some respect for those of us who bloody well live here.

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I live on the bottom end of Taplin, and have to get my two young children across the road regularly. Yeah, its good for road safety, because they see cars coming round Beres corner, hardly slowing down, and they are learning fast that a high % of drivers are sefish, or nutters, or both. So I'd appreaciate it if all you non-Hills residents would shut up about your poor old diversions and petrol costs, and just have some respect for those of us who bloody well live here.


Ironically, without the tram gate, very few cars would go along Taplin in the first place.

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Apart from a few changes in use, and traffic restrictions as usual to the side roads, not a lot different, your point being.

The tram installation works paid for a lot of improvements to West St. All footways were replaced with much nicer paving and new street furniture was put in, which made it a much more pleasant place and will have contributed to the regeneration that's taken place there. The new tram stops attract people, who shop and use the local businesses.


The point being that it's as I said earlier, swings and roundabouts. Some gain, some do not.

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