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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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The adjudicator said 'jump' - the council jumped.


Signs inadequate/incorrect/not suitable. Result = Signs changed.

The adjudicator said he wanted an additional roadmarking, which was not specified in the signing regulations, which is what all highway authorities work to. The adjudicator made no suggestions that any of the signing which was originally installed was wrong or inadequate in any way, in fact he confirmed that it was perfectly legal.


The requirement for a roadmarking meant that not all the categories of vehicles which were previously exempt could continue to be exempt, which had knock on-effects on the rest of the signing, that's why it was changed.

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The adjudicator said he wanted an additional roadmarking, which was not specified in the signing regulations, which is what all highway authorities work to. The adjudicator made no suggestions that any of the signing which was originally installed was wrong or inadequate in any way, in fact he confirmed that it was perfectly legal.The requirement for a roadmarking meant that not all the categories of vehicles which were previously exempt could continue to be exempt, which had knock on-effects on the rest of the signing, that's why it was changed.



5.1 The Adjudicator acknowledgement that the Hillsborough bus/tram gate Traffic Regulation Order was valid and that the signs were legal (although in his opinion unclear), means that there are no specific legal implications arising from the decision.

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The adjudicator said he wanted an additional roadmarking, which was not specified in the signing regulations, which is what all highway authorities work to. The adjudicator made no suggestions that any of the signing which was originally installed was wrong or inadequate in any way, in fact he confirmed that it was perfectly legal.


The requirement for a roadmarking meant that not all the categories of vehicles which were previously exempt could continue to be exempt, which had knock on-effects on the rest of the signing, that's why it was changed.


You did your best Planner1.


The adjudicator said it wasn't good enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...
A note to all the residents who have purchased parking permits: It is a permit to park within the scheme. It is not an exclusive right for you and only you to park directly outside your property. :rant:


Well it should do :rant:


pity it doesn't limit houses on terrace streets to one permit as well.

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Well, my proud record is that I have not contributed one penny to that profit, simply by not going to the areas affected any more. It's like speed cameras, if you don't speed you don't pay, and similarly if you don't park there, you don't pay either.

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  • 4 months later...

well usually someone will come to your house with a quwstionnaire or you will recieve posted consultation on the parking scheme. We had it on my road, also in hillsborough, and the street voted against it i think so our road wont be having it now.

I personally think its a good idea though as its something that i was used to when i lived in London. The London scheme also applied limits to how many permits each house can have - one of the problems with terraces in Hills, is that many rental shared houses have 2-3 cars all trying to park outside one house. Some family terraces have 2 cars. Its just not fair on the neighbours to have so many cars at a property. Buy a house with a drive if you have so many cars.

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