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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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Families with more than one car, you might need more than one, im not saying you dont, but if parking space is limited in the immediate area then yes, you should be restricted to one permit, or expect to pay for more permits. why should you expect to park all your cars near your house at the expense of your neighbours. Just selfish really.


Commuters think they can just half abandon thier car on any bit of pavement or unused private land. Ive seen some parking diagonally, literally across the apex of junctions. not only wrong (was on double yellows) but ive seen it cause accidents as it obscures vision at the junction.


I saw one thread on here about Centertainment parking for example. Someone complained they had got a ticket for parking on the pavement there. They honestly justified it by saying the car park was full, so they HAD to park on the pavement. lol is this the level people have come down to?


All it needs really is for people to be a bit more reasonable with each other, but people are only out for themselves and dont give a toss about anyone else. Then they moan when someone else has to sort it out for them when they wont.


Id be happy to see more permit schemes as long as theyre enforced properly.


Loaded questions on forms? come on, are we all adults or what? Ok, you might have to read them properly (which you should anyway) but theyre hardly going to be misleading.

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Loaded questions on forms? come on, are we all adults or what? Ok, you might have to read them properly (which you should anyway) but theyre hardly going to be misleading.
Leaving out perhaps unfavourable, but obvious, outcomes of introducing such a scheme may not have been actively misleading, but it was a hardly being upfront.
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where I live (Owlerton) the original scheme was partly touted as providing more parking for shoppers,fair enough it was pretty busy.Since the scheme started every day there are only4/5 cars parked during the day and they are mainly residents,so no shoppers,Saturday/Sunday and night time it is full of residents cars.This was originally said time after time,and 24 hr resident parking was asked for.I have noticed more works type vans parking overnight

Finally I would prefer the scheme is left as is,because any fiddling will ony make matters worse,apart from 24hr residents parking,and that will never happen.

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As girly decided to dispose of teh response card, does anyone know how I can make my views known formally?


the adress on reviewal form is:

scheme design group,

corporate mail facility,



s1 2zz.

Your response should include name street and house number do you think their are parking problems on your street? when the problems are day evening weekend etc. Do you think the situation could be improved by your street been included although this may not apply to you.Then any furthur comments. Petitions i m sure go to Andrew Marwood although he is at the carbrook building i m sure. I can also provide this address when i find the forms out later.

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the adress on reviewal form is:

scheme design group,

corporate mail facility,



s1 2zz.

Your response should include name street and house number do you think their are parking problems on your street? when the problems are day evening weekend etc. Do you think the situation could be improved by your street been included although this may not apply to you.Then any furthur comments. Petitions i m sure go to Andrew Marwood although he is at the carbrook building i m sure. I can also provide this address when i find the forms out later.


Thanks Yoda1.

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Where i live this scheme was apparently residents choice. We petitioned against the scheme and part of our road was not included although it is now under 'Review'. There are residents on our road that would like permits as they have said they are unable to park outside their house!. Permits do not give you a permanent spot outside your house, they allow shoppers to come and go for 2 hrs at a time as one goes another may come. I don t think we should have to pay to park out side our own house when others dont neither should our visitors.if this was to help residents why can t permits be issued free? Hillsboroughs shops are strruggling It does put people off popping to hillsborough it may only be 20p now or did it go up to 40p in april? but this will increase and if you don t have the change on you and are in the car its as easy to pop to the new asda where you can buy almost everything you can in hillsborough and park for free. I think its disgusting charging to park a car at hillsborough park too i m lucky i can walk but i would not pay on principle. There are lots of nice parks in sheffield which i don t have to pay to park outside. I have 3 children if i m off to the park its usually because i would like to give my children a cheap fun day out. I know these permits might not seem expensive now but the cost already went up in april they ve not been in place that long.

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