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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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To make any time limited parking effective, you have to have enforcement, which costs money. Introducing a permit scheme guarantees higher levels of enforcement and promotes the turnover of spaces in the pay and display zones.


Last year the council made a PROFIT of nearly £870 000 on the Broomhill, Sharrow, Groves and Highfields schemes. That is profit, not turnover.


Now they want to increase the permit cost - why?


So they break even???


Or so that the permit schemes can subsidise their ineffectual policies and lack of backbone???


Perhaps they should collect the unpaid council tax as a start, and then they might have some justification to start ripping off the car users of the city by (over)charging them for schemes that aren't wanted by the majority of residents.


---------- Post added 12-01-2013 at 22:18 ----------


Article in today's paper (my own highlights):


"Local authorities, who have seen their profit from parking increase 14.9 per cent in a year to £411 million, have admitted they are using the cash to plug gaps in their spending because of budget cuts.


The Local Government Association admitted, for the first time, that it has been able to use the cash from parking to make good losses such as the £442 million in their highways budget.


These latest figures will rekindle accusations that hard-pressed local authorities are using motorists as a cash cow to plug funding shortages, even though they are only supposed to use their powers to control parking to ration roadspace and ease congestion.


Councils who use the cash to subsidise their spending and local taxpayers are acting illegally. "



Ohhh, I can see another FoI request coming to see where the £870000 surplus was spent in Sheffield. I can already hear them saying "we can't track it as it goes into a central pot" at which point it will be pointed out that that, in itself, is illegal under the 1984 Road Traffic Regulation Act.

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If it was free parking then there would be no cost as it always has been.so not rocket science is it? as it seams the majority are against parking charges over to planner 1 to implement what the majority want,the ones who are spending money in hillsborough and keeping it alive.

Hillsborough is not just shops and businesses. There are a lot of residents and they clearly do not agree with you.

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I do not want permit parking on my road and have told the council this . I am a resident in Hillsborough . The traffic on my road has increased because of permit parking being brought in to other roads in the area .People are struggling financially they cannot afford anymore costs . Park and ride should be free .Simple really ,more would use this facility if it was . More visitors would also park up and use the Town center ,similar to York and other places . The council seem to be blinkered probably because it is another easy way to get money into their coffers. Not everyone can afford to live in a house with a drive and anyway why should i now be penalised after living in my home for 30 years. On Match days it annoys me that I cannot get parked if i go out but I get over it . Life is not easy but you just have to suck it up and get on with it . All it takes is a little effort .If I can walk from another street then so can others .

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Hillsborough is not just shops and businesses. There are a lot of residents and they clearly do not agree with you.




And there's just as many do and probably more but your just blinkered just like Sheffield city council

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And there's just as many do and probably more but your just blinkered just like Sheffield city council


Did you bother to read all the thread, if so I don't understand why you think its all down to the council. I stated quite clearly here: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9478006#post9478006 that residents wanted parking permits. They asked councillors and officers to meetings to discuss it. I can remember clearly people from several central streets who really wanted to be able to park somewhere near their homes during the day. However, daytime schemes don't work in every location.


I wonder why Sheffield can't introduce more variety of schemes? They work in other towns and cities, and I can think of several streets where a '6pm-8am Mon/Fri + 24 hour weekends' residents' scheme would work much better than the current day time restrictions.

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Hillsborough is not just shops and businesses. There are a lot of residents and they clearly do not agree with you.


Judging by commentators on here it looks like most disagree with the scheme.


But as they are not in agreement with the councils views their views don't count, do they?

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Did you bother to read all the thread, if so I don't understand why you think its all down to the council. I stated quite clearly here: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9478006#post9478006 that residents wanted parking permits. They asked councillors and officers to meetings to discuss it. I can remember clearly people from several central streets who really wanted to be able to park somewhere near their homes during the day. However, daytime schemes don't work in every location.


I wonder why Sheffield can't introduce more variety of schemes? They work in other towns and cities, and I can think of several streets where a '6pm-8am Mon/Fri + 24 hour weekends' residents' scheme would work much better than the current day time restrictions.




Yes I have bothered to read the thread and I have spoken to loads of local people who are against the the system as I have stated before I was also told by the council that local shops wanted it in as well (which is total rubbish) .

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Judging by commentators on here it looks like most disagree with the scheme.


But as they are not in agreement with the councils views their views don't count, do they?

Do the people on here who are commenting live or do business in Hillsborough? I'm sure there are some people in the area who don't want the scheme, they don't suit everyone. Post #1907 confirms that residents asked for the scheme.


Do the people on here who are commenting, live or do business in Hillsborough?


All of the households and businesses in the scheme have been consulted in the review. It's the results of that consultation which will inform the decision makers on the way forward.


---------- Post added 13-01-2013 at 11:17 ----------


Yes I have bothered to read the thread and I have spoken to loads of local people who are against the the system as I have stated before I was also told by the council that local shops wanted it in as well (which is total rubbish) .

How do yo know that is "total rubbish"? Have you spoken to every member of staff in every business in Hillsborough?


In the permit zones I dealt with, some businesses actively welcomed the scheme as it promoted turnover of parking, so, their customers could actually find somewhere to park near their business, which wasn't the case before the scheme. I've seen comments on this Forum which confirm their view that it has been easier to find a space in Hillsborough since the scheme was installed.

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Do the people on here who are commenting live or do business in Hillsborough? I'm sure there are some people in the area who don't want the scheme, they don't suit everyone. Post #1907 confirms that residents asked for the scheme.


Do the people on here who are commenting, live or do business in Hillsborough?


All of the households and businesses in the scheme have been consulted in the review. It's the results of that consultation which will inform the decision makers on the way forward.


---------- Post added 13-01-2013 at 11:17 ----------


How do yo know that is "total rubbish"? Have you spoken to every member of staff in every business in Hillsborough?


In the permit zones I dealt with, some businesses actively welcomed the scheme as it promoted turnover of parking, so, their customers could actually find somewhere to park near their business, which wasn't the case before the scheme. I've seen comments on this Forum which confirm their view that it has been easier to find a space in Hillsborough since the scheme was installed.


I both live and have a business in Hillsborough - do you?


I notice that in an earlier post you state:


'I dealt with more requests for a permit scheme in Hillsboro than i care to recall.'


Can you state how many requests were made for a scheme were made?


I'll wager that the number who did not request a scheme far outweighs the number who reuested a scheme.

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