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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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Originally Posted by Kevo

Like I've said before planner1 when it's everyone's money that has been used and NOT just the people whoever CHOOSE to live on these roads then LOOK at the wider picture that's when you get a true reflection as I've said I live local shop local and bank local so I think myself and others a bit further afield should have a say so take your rose tinted glasses off and also listen to what the MAJORITY HAVE TO SAY after all its EVERYONE'S MONEY NOT JUST A SELECT FEW.

There's always an argument that you should consult wider, but your elected representatives set the standard for what they want to be in the consultation and how widely it's done. They type of consultation you saw in Hillsborough is what they want. Remember, consultation is to give the decision makers an indication of public opinions, so they can make an informed decision.


Permit parking schemes have been around for quite while and I would think that the decision makers know what the wider opinion of them is by now.


That's my point they was voted in by people in the area so the people of the area it affects should have a say what they do and don't do.when it comes to voting time they want our vote then.we pay a lot in road tax and council tax etc but now they want us to pay to park whilst bringing money into the area etc but all of a sudden a minority complain they listen and think great its another way of robbing us of more money we should all be able to park on a road as we with cars have already paid to use it and you as a Planner should be a bit more understanding

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Comprehensive, wide ranging consultation costs serious money. Do you want the Council to spend it's money on that, or actually doing something? There really isn't enough for both. More money spent on consultation equals less schemes, that's the reality.


The consultation methods employed here are pretty much the same as I've seen elsewhere.


Where parking permit schemes are concerned less would defiantly be better.

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its another way of robbing us of more money we should all be able to park on a road as we with cars have already paid to use it and you as a Planner should be a bit more understanding

No-one robs you. Everything has a price, services cost money and the Council has to get money from somewhere to pay for the services people want. People have choices. If you don't want to pay for parking permits, you don't have to.


You have not paid anything which entitles you to use the road.


Your road tax is just a tax, it goes direct to the Government and the Local Authority does not get a penny of it directly. Paying your taxes only entitles you to freedom from prosecution for not doing so, nothing more.

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No-one robs you. Everything has a price, services cost money and the Council has to get money from somewhere to pay for the services people want. People have choices. If you don't want to pay for parking permits, you don't have to.




How can parking outside your own home on the roadside cost money. ? What you mean is the council invented parking permit zones ,as its an easy way of fleecing motorists. I fully expect the council to roll out these stealth tax zones further ,as its easy money for them. Its a con and a scam ,and a disgrace that councils are allowed to get away with this.

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How can parking outside your own home on the roadside cost money. ? What you mean is the council invented parking permit zones ,as its an easy way of fleecing motorists. I fully expect the council to roll out these stealth tax zones further ,as its an easy way of robbing motorists.

There are plenty of permit parking zones around the country and there have been for many years. There are even some in Barnsley. SCC didn't invent them


SCC implemented permit zones to deal with the detrimental effects of commuter parking, because that's what people asked them to do.

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There are plenty of permit parking zones around the country and there have been for many years. There are even some in Barnsley. SCC didn't invent them


SCC implemented permit zones to deal with the detrimental effects of commuter parking, because that's what people asked them to do.


And in most permit zones around the country, the residents get free permits - did the council choose to do that - no - they just want to milk to cash cow for all they can.

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And in most permit zones around the country, the residents get free permits - did the council choose to do that - no - they just want to milk to cash cow for all they can.

Would you like to share with us the data to support your claim?


Everywhere is different, some charge more, some charge less. Some charge nothing for the first permit and a lot more for a second.

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No-one robs you. Everything has a price, services cost money and the Council has to get money from somewhere to pay for the services people want. People have choices. If you don't want to pay for parking permits, you don't have to.


You have not paid anything which entitles you to use the road.


Your road tax is just a tax, it goes direct to the Government and the Local Authority does not get a penny of it directly. Paying your taxes only entitles you to freedom from prosecution for not doing so, nothing more.



Hang on a minute hillsborough has always been the same for donkeys years yet all of a sudden someone comes up with a great idea to charge people for something they have been doing free for years because a minority moan.The so called minority have choose to live there.That my friend is wrong charging people to park n shop etc total robbery in my eyes.No wonder Sheffield centre is losing out to places like meadowhall it's what you would call short sighted the council and PLANNERS even allow another supermarket to be built at Wadsley bridge shortly FANTASTIC FORSIGHT in a few years mate people like you will have killed the hillsborough shopping centre. just like the great bus service we had all but killed off just so we can have a nice supertram The bus service WAS second to none now the tram is great IF YOU LIVE ON THE ROUTE. GREAT PLANNING mate

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Exactly Kevo ,I really cannot believe that the council received so many complaints from residents across the city that they got their heads together and said Mmm we have a major problem here we must do something to help all these struggling residents . I have lived in the same house in Hillsborough for 29 yrs . The parking was never as bad as it is now .

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Hang on a minute hillsborough has always been the same for donkeys years yet all of a sudden someone comes up with a great idea to charge people for something they have been doing free for years because a minority moan.The so called minority have choose to live there.That my friend is wrong charging people to park n shop etc total robbery in my eyes.No wonder Sheffield centre is losing out to places like meadowhall it's what you would call short sighted the council and PLANNERS even allow another supermarket to be built at Wadsley bridge shortly FANTASTIC FORSIGHT in a few years mate people like you will have killed the hillsborough shopping centre. just like the great bus service we had all but killed off just so we can have a nice supertram The bus service WAS second to none now the tram is great IF YOU LIVE ON THE ROUTE. GREAT PLANNING mate


Enough people asked for the decision makers to produce a proposal. That proposal was consulted on and the permit scheme was only introduced in the areas that wanted it. It's now been reviewed and there was no great groundswell to have it removed.


The difference between district shopping centres and Meadowhall is that people also live in the district shopping centres, so there is a tension between the needs of residents and the needs of businesses. In some parts the situation is further complicated by commuter parking.


There are potential benefits and disbenefits in a permit scheme for all stakeholders, so they have to weigh up whether it's right for them and if they decide to have one, see how it goes and tweak it where necessary. That's exactly what has happened here. Local people wanted a scheme, they got one and have advised on how they want it improved.


The great bus services we had were killed off by a number of factors. The first and foremost being the rise in popularity and ownership of cars. I'm advised bus patronage was declining even back in the good old days, as cars were becoming more and more popular.


Deregulation of bus services finally put paid to the kind of services we used to have. The past wasn't all rosy, the money had to come from somewhere. Does anyone else remember the complaints that we had the highest level of rates outside London?

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