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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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Well that's not true. As I've said, there are no issues along these lines in the part of Hillsborough my dad lives in where the permits are coming in. It's far enough away from central Hillsborough that hardly anyone parks there for the tram or shopping. Although it is a terraced street there are plenty of spare parking spaces even in the evening. The only issue is on a match day. As someone else stated, that is just an accepted part of living in Hillsborough. To be honest, struggling to park right outside your house is an accepted part of living anywhere busy like Hillsborough - nothing has changed since most people moved in to their house. If it wasn't an issue when people moved there, it shouldn't be an issue now. Residents are just going to have to start paying for something they can quite easily do already. It is literally just lining the council's pockets.

The places where the scheme is being extended are the places where local residents asked for it. They have been consulted. Those areas which said no thanks haven't got a scheme.


You or your dad might not want the scheme, but others clearly do not agree.



So some residents' views count more than others? What if all the rest said it wasn't a problem but the council decided to listen to the views of the residents who said they wanted the scheme extended? I really do think the council is completely misjudging the situation in Hillsborough.

You cannot get every resident / business to respond to a consultation. Clearly Councillors thought enough people wanted the hours extending to bring forward a proposal. People always get the opportunity to object and I have never known the Council to impose such a measure against overwhelming local opposition.


Some people may not like the later evening operating hours, but you can never please everyone.


---------- Post added 13-04-2013 at 08:42 ----------


Have you not worked it out yet? The council just do what they want anyway and then justify it on the basis that one person asked for it to be done.

That's absolute rubbish and you know it.


Once a proposal is brought forward, every property in the area gets consultation questionnaires, there are public meetings, people can lobby their Councillors. People have ample opportunity to get their view across and those areas which don't want a scheme, don't get one.

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Once a proposal is brought forward, every property in the area gets consultation questionnaires, there are public meetings, people can lobby their Councillors. People have ample opportunity to get their view across and those areas which don't want a scheme, don't get one.


And the council ignores it...


Public meetings (and Planner1 has admitted this) don't have minutes taken - I went to one, specifically asked for my request for my street to be ballotted and for my request to be minuted - and nothing happened - no minutes - nothing - nada - zilch...


I asked my councillor to vote against the proposal - his responses - I am not on that committee so cannot put your request forwards.



Our elected representatives are not representing us and the council doesn't care what we want.

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I'm told the permit parking schemes only produce a surplus when you add together the income from:

  • permits
  • enforcement
  • pay and display

the permits and enforcement income do not cover the full cost.



Second and subsequent permits have always been double the cost of a first permit.





So are you claiming the cost to produce a permit is the price the council charge for one. ? Rubbish. A charge of £5 would more than cover the cost of production, admin and posting it out to the householder. The council are on the make here and screwing motorists again.

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I'm told the permit parking schemes only produce a surplus when you add together the income from:

  • permits
  • enforcement
  • pay and display

the permits and enforcement income do not cover the full cost.


So where would you like the figures for?


Broomhill perhaps - a small shopping area in which the businesses are getting hit hard by the parking charges... sounds familiar???




PCN Income - 206,760

P&D (ON st) - 385,854

P&D (off st) - 23,035

Permit Income - 17,696


Total Income - 633,345




Operational Enforcement Costs - 101,152 - presumably 3 people's wages

Maintenance & collection costs - 24,912 - don't know what collection costs there are over the above

PCN & Permit Processing Costs - 36,563

Management & Supervision Costs - 12,534 - this is charged across every permit scheme - the managers must be on a nice earner!

Premises costs - 17,400 - what premises?

Transport costs - 5,568

Services and supplies costs - 47,861

Central & Depart support costs - 14,615



Total cost - 260,605


Net surplus - 372,740




Now what these figures show, is that the permits could be given away with practically no impact on the surplus figures - but will the council do that NO! - Why not, cos they have the opportunity to milk the residents for every last drop...




Back to you Planner1 - but does this highlight the fact you aren't always 'told' the correct facts - and if you're wrong in this case - how many of the other 'facts' you've been told are in fact porkies?

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And once again as has been said many times the problem is pushed further and further out .During the day before permits were introduced parking was fine on our rd .Now you are lucky if you find 1 parking space .I believe once again most people on our Rd have said no to permits but how long will this continue ,if now they plan on extending the time into the evening on some roads .The whole blooming system needs scrapping and we all need to wake up and protest about it .The scheme is not workable fairly . I object to permit parking but yet affected by them greatly at home and at our business.Filling the forms in is a total waste of time .:mad:

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We received a letter about parking permit's asking if we would like a permit zone set up and if not could we suggest other area's that might want one.


I work shift's so can't park outside the house when i'm on After's any way.


No one can convince me that they are not just a money making scam for the Council

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We received a letter about parking permit's asking if we would like a permit zone set up and if not could we suggest other area's that might want one.


I work shift's so can't park outside the house when i'm on After's any way.


No one can convince me that they are not just a money making scam for the Council


For the council to be asking residents if they can think of an area that would like a permit zone is a disgrace. Will this council stop at nothing to screw money from motorists. ?

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So where would you like the figures for?


Broomhill perhaps - a small shopping area in which the businesses are getting hit hard by the parking charges... sounds familiar???




PCN Income - 206,760

P&D (ON st) - 385,854

P&D (off st) - 23,035

Permit Income - 17,696


Total Income - 633,345




Operational Enforcement Costs - 101,152 - presumably 3 people's wages

Maintenance & collection costs - 24,912 - don't know what collection costs there are over the above

PCN & Permit Processing Costs - 36,563

Management & Supervision Costs - 12,534 - this is charged across every permit scheme - the managers must be on a nice earner!

Premises costs - 17,400 - what premises?

Transport costs - 5,568

Services and supplies costs - 47,861

Central & Depart support costs - 14,615



Total cost - 260,605


Net surplus - 372,740




Now what these figures show, is that the permits could be given away with practically no impact on the surplus figures - but will the council do that NO! - Why not, cos they have the opportunity to milk the residents for every last drop...




Back to you Planner1 - but does this highlight the fact you aren't always 'told' the correct facts - and if you're wrong in this case - how many of the other 'facts' you've been told are in fact porkies?




The figures actually support what Planner 1 was saying. The income from permits and PCNs (i.e. enforcement) do NOT cover the expenditure.


PCN Income - 206,760

Permit Income 17,696

Total £224,456


Expenditure £260,605


Net loss without pay & display income - £36,149


Maths not your strong point then Litotes???

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The figures actually support what Planner 1 was saying. The income from permits and PCNs (i.e. enforcement) do NOT cover the expenditure.


PCN Income - 206,760

Permit Income 17,696

Total £224,456


Expenditure £260,605


Net loss without pay & display income - £36,149


Maths not your strong point then Litotes???


Maybe you don't really understand the figures and their implications ...



No pay and display, no maintenance costs so minus £24,912

Reduced Services and supplies costs - perhaps 50% of 47,861 (23,930)


So already saved over £47k, so surplus of £11k


The point I was making is that charging for permits is pointless - give them away!

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Now what these figures show, is that the permits could be given away with practically no impact on the surplus figures - but will the council do that NO! - Why not, cos they have the opportunity to milk the residents for every last drop...




Back to you Planner1 - but does this highlight the fact you aren't always 'told' the correct facts - and if you're wrong in this case - how many of the other 'facts' you've been told are in fact porkies?


Part of the problem is that you are quoting figures and you clearly do not know in detail what they represent. For example premises costs. Parking Services operate from 2 depots. They have around 90 staff. There are substantial costs involved in employing and housing that number of staff.


The Council's costs probably need to be viewed across all permit zones, not just one.


If the Council wanted to milk residents for every last drop, they would be charging a lot more than £36 for a permit.

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