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Parking Permits in Hillsborough.

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Do you have a source for that information? Or is it just a guess?


When I lived at Netherthorpe I don't think there was one person on our street who supported the scheme.


The way these schemes run is that the council paints parking bays on the road, and then charge residents an annual fee to have a possible chance of parking in them. There is nothing the residents can do when commuters park in the bays, and they sometimes end up having to park at least a mile from their home... even though they have bought a permit.


There also always seem to be a lot fewer parking spaces on the street when the permit schemes come in... which will be very problematic on a lot of the streets with terraced housing around Hillsborough.


The scheme in Netherthorpe is an old one, not the same as the current type of permit scheme.


The Council get a lot of feedback, they do reviews of the schemes when they have been in for a while, so they have a good idea of what people think. In Broomhall and Broomhill they generally like the schemes a lot. There are more mixed views in Sharrow Vale because there is a different mix of housing and resident type.


If commuters park in a residents bay, they get ticketed. I think that people in the Broomhill, Broomhall and Sharrow Vale zones will confirm that enforcement does take place. If you see an offence, you can ring parking services and they will pay the offender a visit I'm sure!


I think your assertion of people parking a mile from their homes is a gross exageration. I have heard that very occasionally people might have to park on the next street, but that's all. No-one can be guaranteed a space outside their house or on their street. This is a problem in areas with terraced housing as car ownership increases.


When introducing a permit scheme, the Council do take the opportunity to bring waiting restrictions in the area up to date. Typically in areas with parking problems, people tend to park in inappropriate and dangerous places when there are no other spaces left. The Council will only put in restrictions where it's necessary, but yes, in general there will be less parking space. This is of course offset by the removal of commuters and the restriction on the number of vehicles that each property can have in the area.


Local people will need to look at the plans and scheme operating conditions and decide for themselves whether they want the scheme. They will get their chance to comment in the consultation.


Where the majority of residents have not wanted a scheme, the Council haven't imposed it, this happened on several streets in the Hunters Bar area.

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"List of Streets where residents have requested residents parking (as received by Officers)"


Hillsborough Shopping Centre ? :confused:


Doubt there will be a Hillsborough Shopping Centre if parking in the side streets becomes permit holders only.


Broomhill, Sharrow Vale, London Rd and Ecclesall Road are in or adjacent to permit zones. Have you noticed lots of shops closing?

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The Council have, over a number of years, received lots of requests for permit parking schemes in district shopping centres. They've decided to look at Hillsborough as the first one.


The first step in any such scheme is to establish what current conditions are in terms of parking occupancy and turnover. That's what the survey staff will have been doing.





They could always just ask if the locals want a scheme :)

But theres no money in that I suppose


Or they could introduce a scheme if some but not all locals want it depending on how the votes are counted and then push the parking problem into the next borough which has never had a problem but will do soon


Or they could introduce the scheme in one area eg Broomhill on behalf of the landed gentry, shove the problems there into Sharrow who then ask for a scheme which then shoves the problem into Nether Edge which has never ever had parking problems but does now with no immediate chance of its own scheme as there is more money to be made, oops sorry, a bigger problem in Hillsboro






Be careful what you ask for

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I can't believe that Dorothy Rd and Lennox Rd are two of the roads which it says have submitted applications for resident's parking. I used to live on Dorothy Rd and the only problem we ever had parking outside our house was on match day. The only other indication that anybody else ever parked in that road was when there was a bowls tournament at the park opposite.


People ask for all sorts of stuff you might not think they would need. We had a request for a pedestrian crossing on a cul-de-sac once!

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I can't believe that Dorothy Rd and Lennox Rd are two of the roads which it says have submitted applications for resident's parking. I used to live on Dorothy Rd and the only problem we ever had parking outside our house was on match day. The only other indication that anybody else ever parked in that road was when there was a bowls tournament at the park opposite.


I live near there now, and the bottom end of Dorothy & Lennox Rds seem to be used as free Park and Rides.


I think that people who live around Taplin/Hillsborough Rds, and the Hawksley Avenue areas might actually be quite keen too. Similar for those at the bottom end of Walkley Lane. My daughter lives there, and struggles to park when she does a late shift. Not because of commuters, but because of multiple car owners who live in houses with no parking facilities. Next door to her is a 4 car family - mum, dad and 2 teenagers with a car each. Reduce that to a max of 2 and she just might not have to walk from another street at 3am!

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Plenty of locals have already asked for it.






And at the risk of repeating myself !!!!!!!!


AT the risk of repeating myself we now have overspill cars swamping our street from the Sharrow scheme


Plenty of locals on my road have asked for an extension but have been told its not going to happen


We never had a problem before


Why do Hillsboro get one whilst we dont?


If it wasnt for the unpopular Sharrow scheme my road wouldnt have any problems

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I think that people who live around Taplin/Hillsborough Rds, and the Hawksley Avenue areas might actually be quite keen too.
There is NO parking problem on those roads at the moment during the day. The roads are virtually empty. It's only when all the residents come home at the end of the working day that the road fills up. Some of them may be under misguided opinion that they can't find a space outside their front door because of shoppers, but it's not the case, it's their fellow residents. Introducing a parking scheme will:

- introduce an extra charge

- vastly reduce the available parking

- inconvenience visitors/trades

- and most importantly NOT address the problem they perceive!

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