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Do evil people look evil??

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I think we should all get our digital cameras out, write a string of numbers on a long peice of card or paper to hold over our chests then get someone to take our pics in a "Mugshot" style.


We could use `em as avatars!


I have all the best ideas, me!

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I can't get to the link at minute but if it's the one I'm thinking it is then I knew Terry several years ago and he didn't look evil. I think it's a bad picture unless we just see it as evil due to what he's done. also if it is the on I think it is then I would NEVER have thought he could do something like that.. terry was always slow on the uptake and easily led up the garden path but child abuse??


If it isn't that article I apologise for the spam...

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I can't get to the link at minute but if it's the one I'm thinking it is then I knew Terry several years ago and he didn't look evil. I think it's a bad picture unless we just see it as evil due to what he's done. also if it is the on I think it is then I would NEVER have thought he could do something like that.. terry was always slow on the uptake and easily led up the garden path but child abuse??


If it isn't that article I apologise for the spam...


Yes, I think it's the person you know PreferNot, the male defendant is Terence Gilberthorpe, although the link to the article does appear to have been removed now.

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I think we should all get our digital cameras out, write a string of numbers on a long peice of card or paper to hold over our chests then get someone to take our pics in a "Mugshot" style.


We could use `em as avatars!


I have all the best ideas, me!


One thing I've noticed on TV news reports and documentaries about notorious criminals is that broadcasters like to take pictures of evil-looking people and then zoom in on their eyes (either slowly or in steps) until they almost fill the screen. Local TV news programmes in particular can't resist this. I bet there's now a piece of software which does this automatically at the press of the "evil eyes" button.


So if you've done as Jabber has suggested once you've got a picture zoom in on the eyes and see if that enhances the evil look.

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If it was looks alone, one glance at my passport mug shot would get me locked up for 20 to life :)


the evil people you mention only look evil now because we know they are


I looked like such a nut on my last passport that it used to always get double checked by the authorities when I travelled anywhere.

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Not sure. A talented photographer with loads of professional equipment can make even the most evil person look appealing. One the other hand evena living saint would look dodgy in a police photo.


Damn, where's that photo of Mother Theresa after she was done for drug dealing when you need it :D

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