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Megathread - Help me find out who killed my Mum - Patricia Grainger

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Please give Danny a break...


If anything has happened, any discussion here could prejudice proceedings.


I'm sure Danny will update us all as and when he is in a position to do so.


I completely agree, and so as to stop any further speculation, or possible identification of anybody involved in the investigation, I'm temporarily closing this.


Danny, please contact the helpdesk when you're able to, and want to update this thread and keep us all informed, and it will be reopened for you.


I'm sure we're all really thrilled that through determination and belief, this might be coming to an end for you and yours.

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  • 1 month later...

LibertyBell: Cantthe exact details why they was arrested all i can is they are suspects.


Stockers: We are still awaiting the police investigation to find out what happens next.


Jabberwocky: I don’t think i can answer that sorry.


Lyndix: They must!


Stockers: Same by what I heard too...


I will update you as soon as anything happens I haven’t posted before as I have been asked to give posting a rest for a bit.


But I’m back.


If anything major happens I’m sure you will find out 5 minutes after me from the media.


Look out for an article in the sun hopefully in January been waiting since October which is why nothing has been in the media from me.


Hopefully this will be the end it’s a shame my Nan never got to see the day the (bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep) got sentenced.


If anyone as any information please do come forward just because someone has been arrest doesn’t mean more isn’t needed. If you do have any information please Telephone – 01142202020 Minicom - 0114 219 6761 Incident Number: 990/090808

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  • 3 months later...

2 Men previously arrested have now been released.


Part of my blogpost

The arrested men, aged 51 and 59, were taken in for questioning on Wednesday 15th October 2008. They have been on bail up until yesterday (7th April 2009) which they have now been released without charge. They had previously been re-bailed a few times while waiting for forensic test and going over information.


Full blog post can be seen on the site,

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  • 3 months later...

Todays 12th anniversary, The last 12 months have been hard from starting the website, doing all the appeals on TV, in news papers, on the radio, delivering leaflets, a lot has been done and it has been a long stressful 12 months but was it worth it? No one has been charged, Not much further with the case but I feel its brought my family closer, Made me stronger, Given me a bit more hope and most importantly shown me that not all is bad out there, so the answer to that is yes it has been worth it, Yes we are not much closer to finding the murderer but good came from it, and hope is still there.


And who knows one day he/she/they will be caught for what they have done and all we can do is hope.


Most likely be no update unless anything happens or in a few years when we hear from the police cold case review team but ill hope for a good out come in the end.





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What a wonderful young man you are!! Your Mum would have been very proud of you, in fact I am sure she KNOWS what a spendid young man you have grown up to be. I can't help you I'm afraid, but I do wish you the very best of luck to find the savage brute who did this dreadful crime.

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What a wonderful young man you are!! Your Mum would have been very proud of you, in fact I am sure she KNOWS what a spendid young man you have grown up to be. I can't help you I'm afraid, but I do wish you the very best of luck to find the savage brute who did this dreadful crime.


Thank you so much hetty.




i have just this second created a facebook group to widen my campaign,

I wont just leave things to go back quite, justice needs to be served.


If you would like to join the group please go here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=153227600672 ,


Please help show your support by inviting as many friends to join as possible it will really help.


Thank you.


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I've joined the group now and have sent invites to everyone in my friends list.


It's good that you're not being deterred. Don't give up. Answers will come, be it sooner or later.


Thats great thank you, means a great deal to me thanks :)

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Your Story brought tears to my eyes. What an incredible young man you are. I wish you all the best in your campaign, and hope that the killer(s) are brought to justice. I have joined your facebook group and invited all my friends to join.

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