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Megathread - Help me find out who killed my Mum - Patricia Grainger

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I just wanted to let you know that your mum was a lovely girl she used to come over to our house (we lived over the road from each other on Buchannan road) and play with me and my sister when we were little.

I have very fond memories of those times and I am sure she would be very proud of you .


This was lovely to read, and I wondered whether anyone has actually written stuff like this down for Danny to keep? If lots of people wrote their memories of his mum, however brief, he might feel he knew her better. He was so little when she died, it would be nice to have some more personal information rather than just news reports etc.


If it's already been done, then well done everyone who did it!


Thinking of you, Danny, and wishing you well X

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someone was actually named on S/F once as the person who did it, he was prime suspect but the police couldn't nail him due to a lack of DNA evidence.


Yes someone was named legally i can still name him as he was charged but i respect people privacy also SF would most likely remove the thread i no i can name him as my liason officer as stated but i have blanked his name off on news papers until he or some else is brought forward.


yes someone was named on here pat was my aunty and she was such a loving and kind person and if she was still alive now if some murderous evil minded scum bag hadn't murdered her then she would have been a great aunt to my little 6 week old daughter ruby-jade i really wish the police would have continued with their enquires because the scum bag who did this would have been caught ages ago but they let him go because they was a lack of evidence i just think that the police would and could have done more lets just hope with my cousin doing all he is doing that the person who murdered my aunty is caught (R.I.P aunty pat) love forever ange and ruby-jade xxxxxxx


Yeah love,

if she was still alive now if some murderous evil minded scum bag hadn't murdered her then she would have been a great aunt to my little 6 week old daughter ruby-jade
ill never leave it till someone is caught, Loveyou ange n R-J



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If you live in or around sheffield you most likely already heard about my website WhoKilledMyMum.com

I’m just now trying to piece more of the jigsaw together, after speaking with my liaison officer a question unanswered is where the mattress came from?


In/around August 1997 did you dump a mattress on/near Hartley brooke? as when my mum’s body was found she was placed Underneath a mattress we have yet to be able to find out if the mattress was already there or not,


If you did dump a mattress around this time even if it wasn’t on Hartley please can you come forward as it may help in a way,


The police are not interested in why you dumped it and you would not get into trouble as all they want is to find out where it’s from it could help allot,


So if you did or you know someone who did please contact the following,


Telephone - 01142202020


Minicom - 0114 219 6761


Incident Number: 990/090808


Or you can even contact me via the website or pm and ill forward the information for you, if you could describe anything about the matter that would also be great,


One more thing did anyone see the mattress before the 10th august 1997?


Thank you.






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