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Megathread - Help me find out who killed my Mum - Patricia Grainger

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Danny your website is awesome! Well done. I was so saddened to read your account of events. I hope that someone will come forward with some information. Someone must know something. I think Crimewatch is an excellent idea. You could do with a journalist with a local interest on-side to help you. If anyone reading this site has any contacts, that would be excellent.


I'm sorry that I can't help you much but I'll have a think and I'll put the word round about your website. If you need any letters of support, say the word, and I'm sure plenty of others on here would be willing to help.


Your website is a real testament to your mum and your family, as is your courage and your love for your mum. I wish you every success.

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Danny, cant help you on this directly but so that you know you are not alone, may I suggest that you read the american author James Ellroy? he wrote LA Confidential and other books that were turned into films, the reason is that at about your age his mother was murdered. Although, as yet, that murder too is undetected the steps that he has taken to try to identify her murderer may assist you. Also, as stated above the advances in DNA and profiling should eventually lead to a successfull outcome.


Lastly, although this is easy for anyone to say remember that you have a life to live of your own, dont let this tragedy form the basis of your future life, your mother would never have wanted that. Be patient keep the pressure on the Police and the press this filth will one day reveal himself and then you will be there, with the law and our community with you to see justice done.


May your god go with you.

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A sad story Danny, l'd echo the comments about contacting the Police. New advances in DNA techniques are happening daily, contact the Star too, they are a powerful media source.


I hope that this gets resolved, to give you peace of mind more than anything. You're a brave lad and you deserve to know the truth and hopefully get this evil person behind bars where they belong.

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good luck with your search danny, i remember this well i live across from hartley brook, all the householders in this area were interviewed at the time.

Its very sad there has been no end to this for you and your family, lets hope your web site brings some results for you.

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Once again thank you all for your replys.


mollie i remember seeing police interviewing people around the area i can remember the all thing from back then.


Lyndix i will do thanks,


Thanks again for the replys :)

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