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Megathread - Help me find out who killed my Mum - Patricia Grainger

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  • 7 months later...

thought id just update this since i haven't in months, nothing new as come to light nor does it seem like any will in the near future... Thank you all for your support on this thread and on my website over the last 3 years its been great to talk to everyone and all the lovely messages of support... thank you...


You was taken away from us 14 years ago last wednesday and not a day goes by that i dont think of you... but now your in heaven you are looking down on all of us, keeping us safe and guiding us through life ♥ we will awalys miss you and never forget you Mum... I Love You xxx... take care of Nannan and send her my love xxx ....

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Good luck my friend, never give up hope!!!


Hopefully a snippet of evidence will turn up, it might be advances in DNA technology which nails whoever did it or it might be a wrong word said in the pub, but whoever the beast is has to live with the demons of their actions and hopefully their consience will be pricked one day (or the consience of someone who knows) and your family will be able to have closure.


A very sad state for a young lad like yourself and i hope you continue to live your life as a level headed young man who any mum would be proud to call their son.

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Hi Daniel,


We are so sorry to hear all your campaigning hasn't led to any new evidence.


We would like to do a story about your campaign for Postcode Gazette, a Sheffield news website and mobile phone app. Hopefully this will help publicise your mum's case and may reach some people who haven't heard of it before.


Please could you email us at sheffield@postcodegazette.com


Many thanks



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  • 1 year later...

Though id come take alook through this thread as its been awhile since i last viewed it and all the support from the fellow sheffield forumers over the years has been great thank you :)


I have moved my blog to :



It has my most recent post on it from tonight, its the first post since the last annverisary but in less than 24 hours it will be my mums 16th anniversary of her death, I haven't approached any media this year, i just dont feel up it yet, My thoughts on my blog will explain this more but i haven't given up i just can't bring myself to go through it all again


Hi Danny


Sometimes things happen when you least expect them to. Never give up hope.

Thank you Darth Vader i wont give up :)

NEVER give up.

I wont :)

Good luck my friend, never give up hope!!!


Hopefully a snippet of evidence will turn up, it might be advances in DNA technology which nails whoever did it or it might be a wrong word said in the pub, but whoever the beast is has to live with the demons of their actions and hopefully their consience will be pricked one day (or the consience of someone who knows) and your family will be able to have closure.


A very sad state for a young lad like yourself and i hope you continue to live your life as a level headed young man who any mum would be proud to call their son.

Thank you stockers i wont give up :)

Hi Daniel,


We are so sorry to hear all your campaigning hasn't led to any new evidence.


We would like to do a story about your campaign for Postcode Gazette, a Sheffield news website and mobile phone app. Hopefully this will help publicise your mum's case and may reach some people who haven't heard of it before.


Please could you email us at sheffield@postcodegazette.com


Many thanks




I did email back in 2011 but didnt get a responce. Danny


Sorry for the late reply everyone :)

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