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Megathread - Help me find out who killed my Mum - Patricia Grainger

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Just providing a quick update, I have updated the outdated links on the main thread post.


Recently it has been publicised that South Yorkshire police have discarded of all my mums possessions and even the clothes she was wearing.


We are no seeking legal advice regarding this.


As for the appeal it is still going strong.


This week its been in the star twice, On Hallam FM and Should be on calendar news tonight. I will also be at BBC radio Sheffield tomorrow.


You can see any updates on any of the below.


Facebook page (Most active)

Twitter page (Just Joined)

My Website Blog (For those who don't use facebook or twitter)

My website


Sorry its taken me a while to reply to your comments but I will now below.



Hi Danny, I'm sure the truth will come out one day, I have liked the Facebook page.

Thank you for liking my page dongle its really appreciated.

Keep fighting mate - I hope you will get the answers you desperately need soon.


It only needs one person to make the phone call. Someone knows what happened and I hope that sooner or later guilt will get the better of them and they will make the call to Crimestoppers.


Good luck.


Thank you andy I won't stop fighting for justice :) and yeah that's what i'm hoping the guilt will get to them.

Wishing you luck on your quest for justice. X

Thank you bluey :)

Good luck Danny, liked and shared your FB page :)

Thank you moonbird and thank you for sharing its really appreciated :) Danny


---------- Post added 10-08-2014 at 11:17 ----------


Just had a look at and shared your updated links Danny. Hope they make a difference. Good luck.


Thank you nikki :)

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Has this case been on Crimewatch, if not, shouldn't the police be arranging that? It sounds like this is exactly the type of case they are good a solving.

(Sorry if this has already been suggested)


I will share it on my work FB.


It makes me angry that those responsible are still free, God only knows how Danny and the family feel.


Great to see the dedication to keep it in the public eye.

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Has this case been on Crimewatch, if not, shouldn't the police be arranging that? It sounds like this is exactly the type of case they are good a solving.

(Sorry if this has already been suggested)


I will share it on my work FB.


It makes me angry that those responsible are still free, God only knows how Danny and the family feel.


Great to see the dedication to keep it in the public eye.


That's part of our argument in the last appeal we have been asking the police since 2008 to feature my mums case on crimewatch, we was told in 2008 they didn't have enough police to handle all the nuisance calls that story recently change into they haven't said no to doing it, its just not planned in the near future as far as they are concern but as a family we believe its down to they don't want to show how much they really have messed up in the investigation thank you for your kind words danny

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Appeal should be on calendar tonight,

Its already on the calendar website.

I will also be on bbc radio sheffield tomorrow.

Just trying to keep it out there while the media is interested


Good luck Danny. I know it will be a terrible and exhausting burden to carry, but understand your reasons for doing so.


thank you tigger :)

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Still hoping and praying that you and your mum get the justice you deserve, Danny, love.


It's about time the police got the culprit. Someone has to know something. Someone must be shielding the murderer(s).


Don't give up the search for the killers, and don't give up hope. It took 30 years to find the real killer of little Lesley Molseed, but they got him, in the end.

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Danny I really admire your strength in your quest for justice and like everyone else I hope you eventually get the justice that your you, your mother and all of your family and friends deserve. All of your determination deserves a result buddy and I hope and pray that sooner rather than later, you get it.

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  • 9 months later...

Still going strong doing what I can when I can trying to work around the police investigation and complaints ect but ive put together a new video on my facebook page if you have the time please check it out and share my latest video if you have facebook :)



Still hoping and praying that you and your mum get the justice you deserve, Danny, love.


It's about time the police got the culprit. Someone has to know something. Someone must be shielding the murderer(s).


Don't give up the search for the killers, and don't give up hope. It took 30 years to find the real killer of little Lesley Molseed, but they got him, in the end.

Thank you PT I won't give up aslong as im here, I hope for justice one day :) x


Danny I really admire your strength in your quest for justice and like everyone else I hope you eventually get the justice that your you, your mother and all of your family and friends deserve. All of your determination deserves a result buddy and I hope and pray that sooner rather than later, you get it.

Thank you peak its support like I've been shown by many like youself that keep me going :D knowing there is still good in this world :)

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Hi Danny, I don't really have time to look through everything, but I wondered if the police had revisited the evidence to take DNA examples? There has been a case in the Netherlands several years back that was solved after 34 years due to a cold case squad doing this.


Don't give up hope, but don't forget to live.

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