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The Red Lion Book Club (thread#3)


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Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 9th July at 7.30pm in The Red Lion, Charles Street: we will be discussing The Woods by Harlan Coben.


This is a friendly reading and discussion group and newcomers are welcome.

We agreed to start a new thread to allow newcomers to get up-to-date without wading through pages and pages of posts*.


Being a forward-thinking bunch we have also selected a book for August - which will be Notes from an Exhibition by Patrick Gale (and yes, I am wracked with guilt over having chosen two of the last three books). Edited: I lie. Two out of the last four, so I feel a bit less guilty.


Previous books discussed by this group:


The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

Star of the Sea by Joseph O Connor

Half of a Yellow Sun by C. Ngozi Adiche

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones

Brick Lane by Monica Ali

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

A Spot Of Bother by Mark Haddon



*If you do wish to wade through pages of posts, they are here: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=297086


p.s. The movie group, mentioned in last night's discussions, is here: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=3638932#post3638932, although it too will probably have a new, streamlined thread soon.


p.p.s. Could anyone who's interested in the paperback exchange thingy I mentioned last night send me a pm with your email address? I will pass it on to the first five people from whom I get messages. Obviously anyone who misses out can have it passed to them from the people I pass it too. Forgive my waffling.

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I think the consensus was that it was what we expected - easy reading with a lot of cardboard characters...


What did you think?


Next Meeting is going to be on Wednesday 6 August to discuss Notes on an Exhibition by Patrick Gale. The meeting after that will be early September (I can't remember if we agreed a date!) to discuss The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (as chosen by Mocca).

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Thanks Shauna. I haven't got far into it actually, but it was keeping my interest ok. The next two should be interesting, including Mocca's favourite I see. Talking of which I'm also hoping to slip in Code's recommendation of "The End of the Affair" over the next few months. That's right isn't it Code13?

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