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Motivation / Inspiration

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When i was in junior school my teacher told me that he couldn't see me growing up to be anything except a writer, which was nice! Then i did English Language and English Literature 'A' Levels which i did quite well in. I took a year out, decided to do an English degree, but at the last minute changed my mind as i was working and had become used to the life and the money.


Last year i decided to start a freelance writing course, and even went so far as to get a lap top off my parents for my birthday, and had looked into a couple of on-line courses. Then we decided to buy a house and various other things, so the money wasn't there to pay for it, and the time wasn't available as we are doing the house up.


Anyway, excuses excuses. It's a long time since i wrote anything (10 years since A'Levels) and i think a lot of it is down to a lack of confidence. When i think about writing something, i can't think of a subject to start me off, and wonder if i can still do anything. That's why i thought a course would be a good idea. If only i still had the imagination i had as a 10 year old!!


Does anyone have any tips, or can anyone recommend a writing course? I would really like to start doing some stuff and eventually supplement my income with freelance work, if i was any good of course! It's the only thing i think i'd really enjoy doing. Ideally i would like to do food writing but i think that's out now - i should have done the degree!


Thanks to all x

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hi Buttercup


don't get in a state about not having done English Lit degree. I did one and I have to say spending 3 years learning how to pick apart beautiful writing and apply 'literary theory' to everything did not help my writing. Quite the opposite. It left me feeling cynical, paralysed, unable to write.


Like you, I loved writing during A-Levels, and our teachers took a bunch of us to Lumb Bank (arvon foundation ) where we wrote (and got drunk) with the help of 2 quite well known writers. It was very inspirational, maybe you could do something like that?


I don't think you HAVE to do a course, but you could try an OU module, or Sheff Uni's creative writing class- haven't done these myself, but they look good.


I thought I'd lost my inspiration and 've only started writing again in the past year. I use a writing forum to get ideas and help with editing my stuff. I've had a couple of poems published, so if I can do it, you can! I think I can see in your post you know that life always gets in the way, its time to carve out some you time and get scribbling!

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Hi Buttercup


I think I know how you feel, especially when it comes to thinking of ideas. What I can say is that I've found the monthly theme in this group very useful - it has allowed me to practise one aspect of writing within a short or incomplete story. That's been much better than having to think big and sustain a narrative over a long distance.


When I've looked at the monthly theme, often a short scene comes into my head and I've been able to work that up into a short story, rather than thinking of something of novel length.


Letting other writing group members look at, and crit, your work, is extremely helpful - and supportive. Go on courses, by all means, but you can supplement that by getting free - and constructive - advice here!

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Does anyone have any tips, or can anyone recommend a writing course?




My advice is to start by reading some of the stories on here. That's what I did and it has inspired me to have a go myself and now I'm really enjoying being involved. I'm getting some very constructive and useful feedback.


I decided to write the stories for my own satisfaction primarily and if anyone else likes them that's a bonus. You don't need a degree in English lit, just do it your way.

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It all depends what you are writing for i suppose; if you write because you enjoy writing the quality shouldn't be an issue for you. If you are writing to make money in my opinion it dilutes the idea of passionate writing. The best motivation/inspiration comes from life experience's i believe; like you couldnt talk about what its like to fight in a war unless you yourself have done it.

I myself have hardly any education in english writing so when i complete material i usually get a couple of freinds to read through it and suggest any corrections. I find a lot of motivation/influence from dreams and moods, but everyone has their own ways to tap into their inner creativeness. Ron Blanco's got the right idea 'i decided to write stories for my own satisfaction' you have to like your own work or its pointless.

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