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Is it time to ban alcohol?

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Not time for a ban but certainly time for the prices to be hiked to a level which makes it prohibitive to consume. I must admit that I bought 36 cans of Carling for £16 from Morrisons today .... That's unfeasibly cheap.


Banning it outright merely pushes it underground and into the realms of illegal drugs such as in the states during prohibition - Raising the price would still levy taxes from the sales. Granted there will always be the problematic souls who'd sell their Grannies for a bottle of turps but it would mop up a lot of the issues.

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We need to teach our children to respect alcohol, making it harder to get hold of will only make it more of a challenge and add to the mystery. I think we should take the fear out of alcohol, let the kids have a glass of watered down wine with dinner, allow then a small drink on special occasions ......... if its not tabboo it takes a lot of fun out of it for many kids.


thats my 2penith anyway ...... go ahead and linch me.

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Its a known fact that people who drink are weak of character, dont know how to entertain themselves other than drink themselves silly, and stink.


Then theres the "Passive" (Oh how Ive learned to love that word) effects of drinking.


People being beaten up by drunks.

Vandalism by drunks.

Shoplifting by drunks.

Drink driving.

Boorish behaviour.


I could go on.


Ban it, they banned smoking indoors - another filthy habit with its connected criminality, such as...




Ok, there IS nothing criminal connected to smoking- not half as bad as alcohol anyway.



*Yes, Im gloating, I said once they finished picking on the smokers that they would start on the drinkers and here it comes! Its only a matter of time before drinkers start getting it in the neck, and the drinkers who whined about smoking in pubs, I have one word to say to you, and that word is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! :D *

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I think alcohol should be banned from indoor spaces, like pubs and that, so us non-drinking smokers can use the facility when it's raining and cold.


I think smoking and drinking should be banned by empty spaces, who live in empty spaces and the resulting massive tax deficit paid by them alone.


That would shaft this pathetic excuse for a Government and all of its supporters in less than 30 seconds. Sorted :thumbsup:

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Ugh, knee jerk reaction anyone? :loopy::rant:


A few brainless numpties get so rat arsed they start playing silly sods, so the "powers that be" decide "let's ban alcohol"!! It won't happen, it would send far too many people into poverty, Pub Landlords, Breweries, Off Licence owners, you name it they'll all go bust if we ban alcohol!


Whoever had the idea is clearly a complete idiot.

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Why Panic? with all the price increasing going on we wont be able to afford it anyway :)


that will lead to a nation that has no "escape" from the drudge of normall life... which will lead to total madness!!!


after all some drugs have to be avalible and cheap to the mass's to keep us all under control ;)

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It's the BINGE drinking from the 14 to 17 year olds that is one of the problems with alcohol, simply because they're bored !!


Instead of banning alcohol, lets ask the government to put money into giving teenagers something more to do than sit in parks drinking cheap plonk, and getting lairy when they've had a few. For example more properly run youth centres, more sports availability, more skateboarding/BMX parks that are supervised, so they dont turn into needle parks.


I realise this is purely from one perspective in which alcohol is a problem , but surely the alternative of the statistics of teenage deaths through twoking, drunkeness leading to drug taking, sexual promiscuity, std's, and violence - should be taken into consideration by somebody in government, and acted upon accordingly .


Teenagers can't even go the local park past 7pm, due to gangs hanging about causing problems and making threats, surely this could be solved by police patrols, <would stop them hassling motorists, and make them focus on the REAL problems in youth culture>!....that was my 16yr old lad's input.



Ask any teenager why the their culture is like it is today, and they will tell you it's boredom, it's peer pressure, it's protection (hence carrying knives), its basically them or someone else, and thats all they can see for the forseeable future................we have to ask ourselves , what future ?

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Ugh, knee jerk reaction anyone? :loopy::rant:


A few brainless numpties get so rat arsed they start playing silly sods, so the "powers that be" decide "let's ban alcohol"!! It won't happen, it would send far too many people into poverty, Pub Landlords, Breweries, Off Licence owners, you name it they'll all go bust if we ban alcohol!


Whoever had the idea is clearly a complete idiot.


It could be worded "A few brainless numpties get cancer and cost the NHS millions so the "Powers that be" decide "Lets ban smoking indoors"

It wont happen, it would send far too many people into poverty , newsagents, tobacconists, pub landlords, cig manufacturers, you name it, theyll go bust if we ban smoking indoors.


Whoever had the idea is clearly a complete idiot :D

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