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Is it time to ban alcohol?

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We need to teach our children to respect alcohol, making it harder to get hold of will only make it more of a challenge and add to the mystery. I think we should take the fear out of alcohol, let the kids have a glass of watered down wine with dinner, allow then a small drink on special occasions ......... if its not tabboo it takes a lot of fun out of it for many kids.


thats my 2penith anyway ...... go ahead and linch me.


I agree with this point pinklady. I would have no objection to my kids having a small watered down glass of wine or a shandy. I hate all these kiddy drinks though like WKD and would never allow my children to drink them.

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Given the plans to increase the age at which you can legally buy alcohol - its going to 21 in Scotland - is it maybe time to just bite the bullet and ban the stuff?


Lets look at the facts. A government study says its more dangerous than Ketamine, amphetamine, tobacco, cannabis, Ecstasy, solvents and a few other illegal drugs http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5230006.stm. Its addictive, destructive, ruins lives, its easy to get, cheap, widespread, socially acceptable, it means city centres are a no go at night, it makes people aggressive, promiscuous, violent, uninhibited, it causes brain damage, kids are more likely to use it and are being hospitalised and in short passive drinking is a nightmare for all of us. Police time and hospital time on a weekend night is consumed with trying to control the people on this most dangerous of drugs and all we ever hear are bad stories about it.


So lets ban it.


The way forward is to cut this cancer out of our society. We will all benefit.


be aware that I have an ulterior motive for this thread


God, No.............

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Given the plans to increase the age at which you can legally buy alcohol - its going to 21 in Scotland - is it maybe time to just bite the bullet and ban the stuff?


Lets look at the facts. A government study says its more dangerous than Ketamine, amphetamine, tobacco, cannabis, Ecstasy, solvents and a few other illegal drugs http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5230006.stm. Its addictive, destructive, ruins lives, its easy to get, cheap, widespread, socially acceptable, it means city centres are a no go at night, it makes people aggressive, promiscuous, violent, uninhibited, it causes brain damage, kids are more likely to use it and are being hospitalised and in short passive drinking is a nightmare for all of us. Police time and hospital time on a weekend night is consumed with trying to control the people on this most dangerous of drugs and all we ever hear are bad stories about it.


So lets ban it.


The way forward is to cut this cancer out of our society. We will all benefit.


be aware that I have an ulterior motive for this thread


Think this is a good idea? Look up the Volstead Act on the internet then tell me afterwards if you still think the same way.

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I'm an ex drinker. I used to drink sometime to excess but was never violent when drunk. The only time I fought was to protect myself or someone else in need.

However there are just too many problems that are alcohol caused and I would see a total ban as a good thing even if it's unlikely to ever happen.


As many of you will know I have entered Islam but my attitude to alcohol changed before I did so so it's not a religious thing so much as a moral one.


Lets be honest no one needs to take alcohol so what would be the loss?

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Think this is a good idea? Look up the Volstead Act on the internet then tell me afterwards if you still think the same way.
Theres the thing I don't think this. I'm just wanting to see other peoples reactions and thoughts
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Look at where the problem lies, usually with teenagers and then look at why the need to consume vast amounts of alcohol .If they had something to do they would not want to get rat arsed all the time.there are those who just binge drink at the weekends, but why??Is it just a high? If that is all it is , then it is short lived and is it worth feeling so bad afterwards?


I know I drank when I was a teenager, but not to the point where i was completely out of control.

there are no boundaries today and kids have taken over society, running amock on estates with bottles of spirits, getting drunk as the youth clubs that used to support them are gone and the only youth groups existing to any degree are through the churches and if you are not religious then you have to hang around the streets.Can the government not see what is needed.It is so crystal clear to me.get kids doing something.Treat them good and give themself esteem so that they wont want to hang around the streets causing trouble and getting drunk and disorderly or smoking pot.


Rant over, again

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Look at where the problem lies, usually with teenagers and then look at why the need to consume vast amounts of alcohol .If they had something to do they would not want to get rat arsed all the time.there are those who just binge drink at the weekends, but why??Is it just a high? If that is all it is , then it is short lived and is it worth feeling so bad afterwards?


I know I drank when I was a teenager, but not to the point where i was completely out of control.

there are no boundaries today and kids have taken over society, running amock on estates with bottles of spirits, getting drunk as the youth clubs that used to support them are gone and the only youth groups existing to any degree are through the churches and if you are not religious then you have to hang around the streets.Can the government not see what is needed.It is so crystal clear to me.get kids doing something.Treat them good and give themself esteem so that they wont want to hang around the streets causing trouble and getting drunk and disorderly or smoking pot.


Rant over, again


Look at the amount of 20, 30 and 40 somethings that fall out of clubs, bars and pubs at a weekend and cause endless amounts of problems, it's not just teenagers, infact i used to work for a CCTV company and the majority of problems we reported were a result of drunken adults behaviour, not teenagers or 'gangs'.

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