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Is it time to ban alcohol?

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Theres the thing I don't think this. I'm just wanting to see other peoples reactions and thoughts


Fact is you will never be able to deprive people of those thing that are a pleasure in life. One way or another they will geta hold of it by lawful or unlawful means. I wouldn't want to deprive people who just enjoy a social drink or two at the pub because of the behavior of idiots who cant exercise any self control. Sounds like your police in England are a soft bunch. Where I live they'd bring the paddywagon and throw the drunken louts in it, keep em in the drunk tank for a couple of days then send them on home with a lighter wallet. That's why we dont have the drunk yob problem - at least not in my town anyway.

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Given the plans to increase the age at which you can legally buy alcohol - its going to 21 in Scotland - is it maybe time to just bite the bullet and ban the stuff?


Lets look at the facts. A government study says its more dangerous than Ketamine, amphetamine, tobacco, cannabis, Ecstasy, solvents and a few other illegal drugs http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5230006.stm. Its addictive, destructive, ruins lives, its easy to get, cheap, widespread, socially acceptable, it means city centres are a no go at night, it makes people aggressive, promiscuous, violent, uninhibited, it causes brain damage, kids are more likely to use it and are being hospitalised and in short passive drinking is a nightmare for all of us. Police time and hospital time on a weekend night is consumed with trying to control the people on this most dangerous of drugs and all we ever hear are bad stories about it.


So lets ban it.


The way forward is to cut this cancer out of our society. We will all benefit.


be aware that I have an ulterior motive for this thread


Everything is damaging if taken in large quantities, i think the key word here is 'moderation', i really don't think that outlawing alcohol is feasible, what a pleasant rose tinted glasses thread though, i love hippies..... x

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Banning things people want to use is a sure-fire route to failure. For an example consider the War On Drugs - billions spent, heroin made the most illegal substance on the planet, but it is still used by tens of thousands of addicts every day. Failure.


Even the Saudis, who have the severest punishments for alcohol use, are plagued by sadikie ("friend"), the local moonshine.


Banning alcohol would be a pointless waste of time.

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Does alcohol give harmless pleasure to millions of people ?


Do a small percentage of people abuse alcohol ?


Do some people object to/ suffer from the effects of certain other people drinking ?


Does drinking alcohol prevent some people from meeting targets and/or attending outreach-liaison-counselling-hugging-advisory committee meetings ?


If the answer to one or more of the above questions is , 'YES', then alcohol should be banned forthwith and even fifthwith. We cannot, we MUST not, let anything get in the way of our Great Country's Progress [ under the fantastic leadership of G. Brown and his wonderful NuLabour WhizKid Team of Experts ].

Anything that wastes a moment of time must be banned. This, of course, includes staring into space smoking cigarettes [ Oh My Gawd ! ] ; sitting at pub tables in the sunshine, chortling and drinking beer ; dawdling over rather unhealthy food, chatting in restaurants ; driving around aimlessly around in a car ' enjoying the scenery ' ; chasing poor little cuddly foxes around the countryside at weekends and shouting ' Tally-Ho ' in a silly manner.

We simply cannot throw away our lives on all this so-called ' pleasure '. There are forms to fill in, taxes to be paid, rubbish bins to sort out, government surveys to attend to, government warnings to listen to, people to spy on and report........etc.......and remember The Targets ! Only in this way, will we reach the New Jerusalem !

Rule Brittania !

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*grumble* .. people will want to ban chocolate next ... *grumble* ..


I like doing everything moderately and I would be a tad miffed if something that I had already been enjoying (moderately) for years, would now be banned and that GOD FORBID, if it were heard that I were enjoying said illegal alcohol in my own home, that the police would be within their rights to raid my home.

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It's not alcohol (or the availability of) that's the problem - it's the people who abuse it.


I agree!

I don't agree with raising the cost of alcohol either (as I drink but never go overboard) so people who drink for the taste and not to get p****** are paying for those who abuse it.


I think there should be an asbo on it; (an Arsbo, lol, alcohol stupidity behaviour order) if your caught doing anything criminal while drinking or similar. And maybe some advertisements instead of all the marketing for products they show. Most people who are less intelligent sit infront of the tv and watch it, so advertising making people aware that drinking can be fun, however when you go too far it's plain stupid, might make people realise. Then again, probably won't!

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