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Are there any reading groups in Sheffield?


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There is a very good group at the Central Library, which meet at 6pm on the last Wednesday of every month. Call the library and ask to speak to Joanne for details... I've been going since November and have really enjoyed it :) I believe there is also a group that meets one Wednesday lunchtime, but you'll need to check that with Joanne.

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Oh that sounds interesting - thanks a lot Joanne. What kind of books do you read, if you don't mind me asking? What are you reading at the moment? And what kind of format does it take - does everyone read the same book every month, or month than one?


And is it a fairly wide cross section of people, or just youngsters, students, older people ect.

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Originally posted by JBee

Oh that sounds interesting - thanks a lot Joanne. What kind of books do you read, if you don't mind me asking? What are you reading at the moment? And what kind of format does it take - does everyone read the same book every month, or month than one?


And is it a fairly wide cross section of people, or just youngsters, students, older people ect.


:) I'm not actually Joanne - she is the person responsible for the group at the Central Library. I just attend the reading group :)


This months book is 'The Kitchen God's Wife' by Amy Tan, proir to that we read 'Memoirs of a Geisha'. December's book was 'A Big Boy did it and Ran Away' by Christopher Brookmyre. I suppose you could say its mostly comtemporary literature (although I always think thats a bit of a vague term :suspect: ) Each member of the group reads the same book every month, then we meet to discuss what we have read. The meetings are usually an hour and a half or so.


The Wednesday evening group isn't that big.. at present there are six of us, at 24 I think I am about the youngest, the others are all late twenties through to late thirties. From what I have heard, the Wednesday lunchtime group comprises more older people.

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Ha ha, sorry Tracy, I'm on the internet at work so I'm trying to be sly about it and do it quickly!!!


Memoirs of a Geisha is one of my all time fav books though so that's spurred me on. All give Joanne a call. And I guess if I join you won't be the youngest any more cause I'm only 23!

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