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Black-a-moor at Troway - Has it re-opened?


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Does anyone know if the Black-a-Moor @ Troway has re-opened yet. I thought that the people that have The Cricket Inn have bought it. The food should be great.


Hi there,


It opened today at 5pm. I went for lunch and they were still setting up, So I went to the cricket inn intead. Excellent food as always.


I am really looking forwrad to going to 'THE INN @ Troway' over the weekend.

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yes, it's open. Now called the Inn at Troway and liveried in the same manner as the Cricket Inn at Totley Bents.


The place is given over, almost entirely, to dining with a small "sitting room" at one end with comfy sofas etc. They've done a very nice job of it, lots of exposed wood, expensive looking furnishings, tasteful decor.


The menu is pretty extensive and predominantly "British" with lots of traditional favourites. Everything from hot and cold sandwiches to substantial meals and a children's menu too.


Of course, it features Thornbridge's ales, Lord Marples and Jaipur, alongside a guest beer and hand pulled Stones.


It's a very nice spot with great views from the orangery at the back overlooking the fields. Must be one of the nicest dining pubs around Sheffield.


It will be interesting to see if it suceeds - and a lot will depend on the food. It's not a route that's well served by buses (although the 253 stops within half a mile of it) and there's no footpath or street lighting around. So, it's really a pub to drive to - make sure you've got someone to drive you back would be my advice. The Thornbridge ale is tasty and potent.


I think it's a welcome addition to the dining pub scene. I've visited last night but not ate there yet. Any reports would be interesting.

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Well I went there last night with my wife and we found the food stunning! We had a main course and a dessert each and we were stuffed by the end, even the side vegetables tasted very fresh and full of flavour. I find most pubs vegetables are quite old, dry or overcooked.

It is slightly pricey, but then you do get what you pay for. I had a hot syrupy parkin with cream for dessert and I'm not joking - to die for!!

I just hope they can maintain the standards of the food and we'll be going back again and again.


I should also note the staff were extremely helpful and friendly. (Not to mention rather attractive ;) )!


The downsides? They serve the food on several plates and cheeseboards which takes up most of the table. My personal preference would be to have everything served on one plate, or at least in smaller dishes not on big cheeseboards!

My biggest disappointment was the renaming of the place though, I'd much rather it was still called the Black-a-moor...



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Is it the same Menu as the Cricket?


Tried to book a table there this evening but was told that no bookings for parties under 10.


Turned up at 8 to meet friends who had travelled a long way for a meal. The place was an utter shambles. No tables available. Long waits and kids running around screaming. It was like a Wacky Warehouse.


We waited outside until everyone arrived and then moved on. I certainly won't be going back.


Looking back on events I am rather pleased we could not find a table. The place was a living hell, and I would rather have eaten at McDonalds. If this is upmarket I'm a Dutchman.


I presume we are the type of people that this establishment is aimed at. If so they have got it very wrong. I am not prepared to take the chance of meeting friends in such a hell hole. We won't be back. When the novelty wears off they will wonder where they went wrong.

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Tried to book a table there this evening but was told that no bookings for parties under 10.


Turned up at 8 to meet friends who had travelled a long way for a meal. The place was an utter shambles. No tables available. Long waits and kids running around screaming. It was like a Wacky Warehouse.


We waited outside until everyone arrived and then moved on. I certainly won't be going back.


Looking back on events I am rather pleased we could not find a table. The place was a living hell, and I would rather have eaten at McDonalds. If this is upmarket I'm a Dutchman.


I presume we are the type of people that this establishment is aimed at. If so they have got it very wrong. I am not prepared to take the chance of meeting friends in such a hell hole. We won't be back. When the novelty wears off they will wonder where they went wrong.




I am inclined to agree. If a place won't allow you to book, but just expects you to turn up on the off chance of getting a table, it is no place to meet friends for a meal.


It would not be so bad apart from the place being rather isolated. If you find you can't get a meal, it is perhaps too late to look elsewhere.


Shame to hear about the kids running around. I will certainly be crossing it off my list.


So where did you end up Liz??

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The Cricket Inn has a no reservation policy and it works well, although sometimes if you go at the busiest times you will have to wait at the bar for a table to become available.


How many times have you turned up at a pub on spec and found every table reserved, yet no-one actually sat using those tables?


How many times have you phoned to book a table at a place for say 7pm, and been told the tables are all reserved from 8pm so you can only have that table if you finish within an hour?


The Cricket (and the Inn @ Troway) avoids both the above, and serves a lot more meals to a lot more people as a result and rarely turn away disapointed customers. They also have a much more relaxed ambience.

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