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Mother / parent and baby or toddler groups

Dr Feelgood

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I live in Halfway Jane and I think they have a baby and toddler group round here somewhere. I've only just had my little boy so gonna wait a few weeks but once I've settled into motherhood I'm gonna have a sniff round and see what there is :)

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Hi, there are mother and baby/toddler sessions at bizzy bees - you have to book & pay in advance. - Although this sounds like a big commitment, I found these good as if people are paying to keep there place they tend to always turn up each week and you can really make proper friends there.


There are also mother/baby toddler sessions at Emmanuel church on a wednesday lunchtime onwards - this is a nice big warm hall in Waterthorpe.


There are also sessions at waterthorpe community room (attached to Emmauel school) - but I didnt find these as friendly as other groups - a bit clicky!


Halfway school has some on a Monday I think.


Hackenthorpe - christ church wednesday cant remember the time.


Good advice is to look in the free newspapers that come weekly in the 'whats on' section & to ask your health visitor - altho mine only reccomended christ church.


Hope this helps

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Does anyone know if you have to book to join the baby group on forbes road? i am a new mum with a 4 week old baby and wanting to meet other new mums (for my own sanity!) do you just turn up at the group? if so does anyone know the time and date? thanks x

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Does anyone know if you have to book to join the baby group on forbes road? i am a new mum with a 4 week old baby and wanting to meet other new mums (for my own sanity!) do you just turn up at the group? if so does anyone know the time and date? thanks x



Just turn up:) I think its a 10 am start but its really relaxed and fantastic for people with babies as most toddler groups aren't really setup for babies:) Also if you are a breastfeeding mum there is a fantastic dropin held at Hillsborough Childrens Library on a Monday morning 10.30am start. There was a thread discussing groups last week here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone..I am trying to recruit more mums, dads and carers to our baby and toddler group at Eckington Library. It runs on Monday morning 9.30am to 11.30am. We are hoping to get it going again as the numbers dwindled down with the last nursery uptake!!!


The way in is at the back of the library..pram friendly entrance! PM me if you have any questions! Sarah :hihi:

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If you have tried to attend recently and there was no one there..please come again. We have now started up again..hope to see you there....Sarah. Please PM me if you want to know anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I work at Bizzy bees and we provide wrap around day care 8-6, play sessions (from 24 months) where you can leave your child to play for 2.5 hours,mother and baby or mother and toddler groups (as mentioned above). I have worked here for 4 yrs and both of my children attended now 9 and 7. Pm me for more info. Hope this helps.

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hi bizzy bees looks great and is 2 secs from me so is perfect i will def be taking millie there!! when should i book her place for mother and baby group?? straight after shes born?? i guess i'll prob be taking her from when shes about 6 weeks, does this sound about right?? thanks


jane+millie 26+1

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