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What's the best thing that has happened to everyone?

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passing my degree, buying my first home, going out for a drive in my car on my own after passing my driving test, seeing a crowd of people in my pub having a really good time with a smile on everyone's faces, watching 20 motorbikes pull off at the same time from outside the pub hearing a mass vroooom.....shall I go on?

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Ho hum, how tedious of me, but it's quite simply this:


Having kids.


A lot of fantastic things have happened before and since they were born, but nothing beats it.


(Well, maybe seeing Kraftwerk at Tribal Gathering in 1997...... nah, I jest of course.)

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All pretty uneventful stuff


Having 2 wonderful girls and seeing them grow up into young adults same thoughts as damon really

Absailing down Malham Cove.

Playing Golf with Ray Clemence, long story but I went on a pro am golf day and got picked to play with him, nice guy.

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Got to be my niece being born and me being there! Was absolutely incredible! She's a brat now lol but there yer go! Also, passing my driving test first time in November and then recently getting a proper full time job!


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Originally posted by halevan

Meeting my ladyfriend, after being in the wilderness for thirty years and having a female companion, another human being to talk to, someone to look forward to seeing at the end of the day.

Thats nice, are you mellowing in your old age Hal?

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