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What's the best thing that has happened to everyone?

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For me, although there are many high points such as driving test, GCSEs, A Levels and getting to Uni, the best thing that happened to me was meeting my girlfriend and soulmate whom I love very much and without her life would not be very good at all.

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My sister being born

Moving away from the US (apart from leaving the sis and rest of family behind)

Meeting my gorgeous bf (even if he can't decide on flooring)

Finding out that you can come out the other side of serious depression and be even more of a giggler than before.:lol:


Actually, I'm sure there are more, but it's sad to say, it's easier to pick out the very worst times than the very best - However, i'll just suppose that's bacause there have been so many more great times than bad ones, that you just can't remember them all :lol: :lol:

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The best thing that's ever happened to me, by far, is meeting Chris.


We've nearly been seeing eachother for a year and are planning a little trip for the big 1 year! *grins* If anyone's ever visited my website http://www.faceparty.com/capz they'll catch a glimpse of what our love's like from what I've wrote and our pictures. Chris is SO amazing, he makes life so wonderful! He's really good fun to be with and makes me laugh no end!




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