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So I Went To CEX Today As I Was Recommended...

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Selling to CEX is no trouble, wouldn't ever buy owt though...they sell 2nd hand goods for pretty much the same price as they are brand new




O2 price (£109) Nokia 5310 on PAYG + JBL speakers worth £99.99


Cex price (£90) Nokia 5310 2nd hand without speakers and of course as stated USED


I rest my case....I actually got one of these from O2 a few months back for £90 with the speakers brand new so they must sell well for them to put the prices up.

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Yeah, I've noticed that with CEX too. I've been in there looking at console games. I then went to look at the new prices in some of the other stores and in some cases found the new copy of the game for less than the second hand price in CEX!

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and they were quite rude

i wanted cash for my games

and they said they didn't have the money

and so i was like oh...

they didnt even explain anything to me

so i stormed out mwuahahahahaaa

and went to game in a hungover state

and i got £150 for the lot

i was quite chuffed cos it was more than i expected

and £50 is going on tomorow night's drinks :D

so yeh


*shakes fist*




Is this some kind of poetry?

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I don't like CEX at all. My partner needed a phone because he had misplaced his when drunk. So he brought a phone from there. He had the phone 4 days and tried to take it back. He brought the phone for £40 from them and they said he could not have his money back or anything as it was not faulty or brought back within 24hours but they would buy it back from him for.... wait for it... £5 the cheek of it.. He said i'd rather smash it up and walked out :)

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I've They told me they had no cash but could offer me credit ............it seems that CEX may be becoming a bit tight fisted when it comes to handing out the money and seem to prefer handing out CEX credits instead.


It's called the credit crunch. i would imaging lots of people want to sell to them at the moment and not enough people want to buy.


if they keep handing money out and not get any back.. then wont last very long will they ! :)

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