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So I Went To CEX Today As I Was Recommended...

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Actually you are incorrect, statutory rights supercede any contract between buyer and seller. Thus you cant actually refuse to take back an item for a refund provided its in good condition.


Shops try and fudge the issue.


thats true, also id like to know why a store that practicaly all the time has a huge queue can be short on cash I mean not everyone pays by card or is selling, maybe sometimes you do run low on funds when I worked at GAME and that happened we rang the post office and got sorted, its just what you get told to say on certain occasions to boost sales ie limiting peoples funds just to your store, simply sales tactics good for business figures bad on business image

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a) That isn't true, there is no legal right to return something for a refund if it isn't faulty... Take it to small claims court if you want, you'll get the same response from them... I'm aware of this cos when I worked for a different company we had a customer do just that and fail to get his money back...


b) If you must know, that massive queue is generally people selling stuff... We honestly don't have any issue giving out the cash if we have it, I don't see why there seems to be people brewing up some kind of conspiracy theory about CEX?!?!? If we have the cash we'll give it out, simple as... We also get asked to bank cash for the company, so if we've got a reasonable amount in the safe then we have to bank it, again reducing the cash we have to offer for stuff... Yes, we're more likely to push store credit, regardless of whether we have the cash to offer or not, that's pretty self explanatory, but to claim we're being told by some high power in CEX to not give out cash is ludicrous : D

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The_hungan theres somthing else about cex that ticks me off since I moved up here ive bought about 70 dvds from cex and ive had to take back a good 20\30 of them because they where so scratched my dvd players couldnt even read them, if you dont care what condition the dvds are in when you buy them off people cant you atleast check to see if they work, Game dont take disks that are too scratched, its just not fair on the customer to shell X amount on a dvd/game that looks like the cats gone mad at it thats all, I would of thought management would of purchased a disk cleaner or summat.

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If I'm to be honest, I actually agree with you on that point, but I can only speak for myself here... I don't personally buy anything that's too scratched, if it's a bit scratched we send them off for repair before they go on sale... I also check anything before giving it to a customer, because I know some people don't check them when buying them in... I apologise about that... We used to have a repair machine, but the company it wasn't worth it because it's cheaper for us to get a third party to do them for us... I'll try and inform management but apart from standing over staff for a whole shift, there's not much that can be done... Feel free to speak to a member of management next time your in to address your issues yourself aswell

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  • 4 weeks later...
The_hungan theres somthing else about cex that ticks me off since I moved up here ive bought about 70 dvds from cex and ive had to take back a good 20\30 of them because they where so scratched my dvd players couldnt even read them, if you dont care what condition the dvds are in when you buy them off people cant you atleast check to see if they work, Game dont take disks that are too scratched, its just not fair on the customer to shell X amount on a dvd/game that looks like the cats gone mad at it thats all, I would of thought management would of purchased a disk cleaner or summat.


are you kidding me? how exactly would you go about testing every dvd that comes in to see whether (start to finish) it jumps or skips or doesnt work, i take it you've seen how many dvd's they have? i understand your fraustration at getting a disk home and it doesnt work, but

a) its 2nd hand which is why its cheap

b) i have the same issue with blockbuster all the time

c) you can bring it back and change it for anything and

d) you can always ask the staff if you can see the disk before you buy it, they're always happy to do this.


Check every disk? would be the best job ever though...

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I don't like CEX at all. My partner needed a phone because he had misplaced his when drunk. So he brought a phone from there. He had the phone 4 days and tried to take it back. He brought the phone for £40 from them and they said he could not have his money back or anything as it was not faulty or brought back within 24hours but they would buy it back from him for.... wait for it... £5 the cheek of it.. He said i'd rather smash it up and walked out :)


Also, I'd love to know where it is that you shop that lets you buy an expensive hardware item, use it for four days, change your mind about it and give you a full refund despite there being nothing wrong with it.


CEX is not a rentals shop, although I hear the staff have a hard time convincing people of this, especially hot-headed customers who throw tantrums and storm out - tell me, if you change your mind about something whose fault is that? so why should a retailer cater for you're spontanious shopping mistakes and willy nilly mind changing?


They're existing 48 hour policy is good will enough tbh.

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Probably time to tell my CEX story. A few weeks ago I went in and saw a CD that I wanted to buy. Took the case to the counter, but the guy couldn't find the CD to go in it. So he put the case in the missing disc box, and I said I'd pop in again a few days later and see if the disc had turned up. Which I did, and this time another guy found the disc straight away... except now, he couldn't find the case. So I managed to persuade him to sell me the disc and I'd pop in again and see if the case had turned up. Which I did, and it hadn't, and this time the guy reckoned it may have just been thrown away.


So I suppose I would say that the shop's OK, but the organisation isn't very good: I guess that if you have about 50 people working behind the counter, none of whom know what the others are up to, it's never going to be terribly efficient.

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TBH I get quite tired, as an employee of listening to people whine and moan about what, at the end of the day, is a second hand store paying its staff minimum wage. The staff here are employed to serve you to the best of their ability within the limitations of the store, if that means we don't have cash, well tough. It's not our fault, it's normally yours, we aren't a bank, we're a business. The phones and whatnot may seem over priced, but most stores won't allow you trade in any random old nonsense towards the price of your purchase, so it's a balance. If you want a new item without any issues, if you've found something cheaper for new elsewhere, don't tell me about it, don't moan about it, I DON'T CARE! Just go and buy it and revel in your own smugery for beatin the system or whatever. Seriously, I'm not paid to deal with this nonsense. Also, all the whiners on this thread, please come and complain to the store so we can do you the privelege of banning you so you never have to shop here again. Thank you :D

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