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Has Neil Diamond Ever Appeared In Sheffield ...

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Hey Sput, I bought a DVD called Hot August Night a couple of weeks ago, I was rather saddened when I found out that it wasn't what I thought it was, it was recorded live at Madison Square Garden in 2008, but I really enjoyed it.

He talks about his back problem on the disc, and evidently finished up in a wheelchair for quite sometime, he is now married to a brisbane girl.

If there is a JB Hi Fi near you, you can buy one for about $15, he's still got what it takes to hold an audience, one of the best in my book.

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I have seen neil diamond twice at the sheffield arena, fantastic and also funny on stage, he commented about how he wrote red red wine and that the ub40 group had made him more money from the song than he had done, he even changed the lyrics whilst singing it in a rap about ub40 still singing his song quality artist i saw Neil diamond, Lionel Richie and Tom jones all in one week it was brill....

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Hey Sput, I bought a DVD called Hot August Night a couple of weeks ago, I was rather saddened when I found out that it wasn't what I thought it was, it was recorded live at Madison Square Garden in 2008, but I really enjoyed it.

He talks about his back problem on the disc, and evidently finished up in a wheelchair for quite sometime, he is now married to a brisbane girl.

If there is a JB Hi Fi near you, you can buy one for about $15, he's still got what it takes to hold an audience, one of the best in my book.


Hey Skip ...nice to hear from you. Honestly, it's only in the last few days that I decided to log on to the forum after almost two years just for a look-see. I really don't seem to have the time for forums and such these days what with my daytime job and all. The older I'm getting the busier I seem to be getting. At least it's keeping me fit and young. By the way, thanks for the recent emails and the info contained therein.


Anyway, I rather reluctantly purchased the Hot August Night/NYC DVD about 12 months ago. I say 'rather reluctantly' because the ND that I knew and loved from the 70s had pretty well become the pretentious sort of performer that Elvis became once the entertainment machinery took a hold on their careers. I'd all but ceased to be 'a fan' of his in recent years. I must say, though, that I'm a believer (unintended pun) again after watching the recent DVD. Yep, for a 68 year-old ND certainly still has what it takes. And his band! Such talent! This DVD rocks! In addition to all of the classics that are required listening as well as some terrific new material, I really appreciate ND and the band doing such a brilliant take on the original Hot August Night prelude and opening song (Crunch Granola Suite) on this DVD. Close your eyes and it pretty well sounds the same!


I'm hoping that Neil Diamond returns to Australia next year since I missed his last concert in Brisbane some 5 years or so ago and would like to catch up with him again as an audience participant. All in all I've seen three ND concerts in Australia (The Entertainment Center, Brisbane) and one in the states (Kemper Arena, Kansas City). I loved each concert but the very first one in KC (1977) is particularly etched into my memory.

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As an addendum to my response to Skippy's post ...one of the biggest mysteries of all time for me is WHY ON EARTH no videos were recorded of the original Hot August Night series at the Greek Theater in 1972. If I could ask Neil Diamond just one question THAT would be the question I would ask. "Why?!?" Even though no one could have known at the time these concerts were to become historical musical events. All the technology was available at the time to visually record these concert series. But, NO ONE DID!

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  • 5 months later...
I was just wondering whether Neil Diamond had ever appeared in Sheffield? If so, would anyone who saw the concert care to share the experience?


The first time we saw Neil was 1991 he was at the sheffield arena my youngest daughter went for her 8th birthday. We had ilse seats paid adult ticket price for our daughter, somebody let her borrow their binoculors so she is stood in the ilse with binoculors shouting as she points to the front of the binocs look mum "he is here". A very good night was had by all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...
Hi can't remember him doing Fiesta but seen him 3 times at Arena fantastic show he puts on, recent birthday present 2 tickets to see him 2nd July Hampden Park Glasgow. :)


Another thread resurrection. Skippy mentioned that his purchase of the most recent ND DVD (Hot August Night: NYC) was not of the original HAN as he'd hoped. Since the original concerts were held at the Greek Theater in LA in 1972 the NYC tag should have been a giveaway, Skippy. ;)


That said ...the closest performance by Neil Diamond in the way he looked and sounded on that original classic album would be found on the ThankYou Australia DVD from 1976. This DVD evolved from footage of a TV Special of that year when ND was in his prime.* This particular Special was beamed live all around Australia with an intro by David Frost. The sound quality is not as perfect as it might be (after all, it was lifted from the 1976 TV print) but it's not too bad and is as close to Hot August Night 1972 as one could get. It's also a slice of music history.


*While almost 40 years has passed since the original Greek Theater series of concerts some might (rightly?) claim that ND is STILL in his prime after viewing the Hot August Night NYC DVD. This DVD really IS hot! And, of course, there is now SO much more song material available since the original concert series and the resulting album/CD. I really enjoy periodically watching this DVD on my big-screen TV/surround sound with the volume turned right up! Similarly so with my Eagles Farewell Tour DVD. Brilliant stuff!

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That very question was asked on a documentary about his life Sput, his reply was that no one realised what a great turn out and show it was going to be at the time, but like everyone else, he now wishes it had been filmed.

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That very question was asked on a documentary about his life Sput, his reply was that no one realised what a great turn out and show it was going to be at the time, but like everyone else, he now wishes it had been filmed.


Thanks, skip. How're ya doin' .. .?


I didn't know that ND had already addressed the question as to why Hot August Night had not been filmed. Even so, I couldn't imagine that it would have taken a whole lot more expense and technology to have filmed it anyway. I'm not giving up on this . . .:mad:


As said previously, the 1976 Thank You Australia Concert DVD is pretty close to the original Hot August Night. And, it seems most certain that it's as close as we're ever going to get.


Dammit! :rant:

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