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Support Local Group CRAINE


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I honestly don't think I've ever witnessed a band as gut-wrenchingly poor as Craine. I really mean that. They are the kind of band that can actually set off a bout of depression. Their music is plodding and dull. Their lyrics are the kind of blandly meaningless pap that make Chris Martin look like William Blake. Their stage show is empty, pompous rock-star posturing. Someone said the singer thinks he's Freddie Mercury, but it's not Freddy Mercury. It's Bono. He thinks he's Bono. God help us all.


I don't like slagging bands off while they're still trying to break through, but I think with Craine it's almost like a public service, because they're so bad that it's almost inevitable they'll be successful and they need to be stopped. I don't care what methods they employ to promote themselves, but I suspect their motives. I don't think they're trying to create something good and interesting, to entertain, provoke or inspire. I think they're just trying to make themselves famous and that's what their awful, dreary music is for. Please, restore my faith in humanity and ignore this terrible band.

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Oh god, look at their faces!




Look at the expressions on their terrible faces!


"We're rock stars," they're saying. "We're very talented and what we do is terribly important, which is why you want to be us. But you're not us, you're just you. But at least we've provided you with our glorious music, so for four and a half brief minutes, you too can know in your own small way, how amazing it is to reach the pinnacle of human achievement and be in Craine. Worship us."


Why does this matter so much to me?

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  • 7 months later...

I first saw the band at the South East Oscars(award ceremony for young people organized by young people) and since seen them else where. I have chatted to a couple of the band members and they seem nice, not sure about all of them. I support them and show this by attending the shows and writing on forums such as this one that i enjoy theres music. I wish them the very best and look forward to buying their album in a couple of months time. :)


i think that if you do not support them then you should not make a comment as you sound immature, and as the Topic is Support Local Group CRAINE it doesn't include slagging the band off.

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