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Your TOP 5 late bars/clubs to go over the summer in Sheffield - GO!

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Used to love late bars but my music loves seem to be a minority in Sheffield at the moment. I've been mourning bass bar thursdays at dq since that went from weekly to monthly :( This is a problem with monthly nights - it is highly likely that I'll be doing something else on that one night of ze month! Also been mourning the stuff that club shh used to put on AND wish Detonate was on more than once a month. Lucky it's the season of late night peaks activities really!


It's getting to the point where I'm considering going to leadmill pretending to be a fresher again :D

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Such as? :confused:


Take a look around. There aren't many events on in Sheffield over the coming weeks that are providing anything new. UG absolutely nailed it on the last Bank Holiday, but what have we had since that really excites? Zilch. I'm not picking on anyone in particular here, just commenting that I think the scene is becoming stale again. Things really picked up in the first half of this year, but now seem to be slip sliding away.....

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I would agree with that to a certain extent, but more that DJs need to realise it's not all about DJs! :suspect:


But isn't it all about the DJ's? I'd rather pay £12 to see a Villalobos, Smagghe or Matthew Dear than £6 for someone who I've seen a million times before and can see week in week out in Sheffield.

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But isn't it all about the DJ's? I'd rather pay £12 to see a Villalobos, Smagghe or Matthew Dear than £6 for someone who I've seen a million times before and can see week in week out in Sheffield.
Chris may have been refferring to DJ's who regard themselves as more important than the crowd and there are a few of them.


At the moment, nowhere. Sheffield nightlife is currently on its arse. In the main it just seems to be a merry-go-round of the same old DJ's and promoters trying the same tired formulas in different venues.
I also agree fully and wholeheartedly with this.


However its never that simple. The promoters and DJ's may not be doing much thats new but they are trying to please and incredibly fickle crowd. Even when someone/something of quality is brought in people generally don't support it. Prime example is Woolford at Uniq. People moan theres nothing on they want but when its there they ignore it.


I would also suggest that the smoking ban doesn't help either

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I think I agree with the comments about the nightlife being moribund here but that isn't for want of trying on the part of clubs or promoters


The likes of Matthew Dear, Herbert, Smagghe, Recloose et al don't come to Sheffield because there aren't enough people interested to go round... When these big-name-leftfield-djs do show up, the turn out isn't enough for them to warrant a return visit or for a promoter to take a financial risk in putting them on again...


Now the majority of the students have gone, more than ever it feels like there's a gaping hole in the nighttime. Add to this the smoking ban, and the fact we are all skinter than we've been for sometime (credit crunch innit) then it doesn't bode well for the lighter months..


Having said that, there are good, forward thinking events on over the summer (C90, Club Pony, Bug, Kabal, Music in the Sun, Bassbar, Dulo parties)... but people need to represent for them to continue being held in Sheffield...


God help us if all we're left with is the Carling Academy and Crystal. Maybe that'd be the signal that's it time to shut up shop and move to ****ing Leeds.

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