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Possible networking event

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One suggestion dean1066 if i may.


As this is for new businesses (the owners of which may well be strapped for cash and time) (i know i am :) )can i suggest that we simply meet in a good quality, quiet, pub once a month on a quiet night like Monday. We only need to chat to each other in a nice setting rather than make something of the event that it isn't.




This kind of meeting would suit me fine; I have a number of ideas ready to roll, re. original designs and recycling, but I really do need advice re. patents/design Right, income tax, books, and support services.:D

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Is this at city limits? Its quite expensive there, plus not a great fan.


Attended a wedding fayre and bought a coffee, which they served in a paper cup, I burnt my hands and when I asked for a real cup or mug they said no because I might break it....what a joke!!!


plus parking is a nightmare, so I would prefer a city centre venue, I am sure there are loads of bars/pubs we could approach for this

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Is this at city limits? Its quite expensive there, plus not a great fan.


Attended a wedding fayre and bought a coffee, which they served in a paper cup, I burnt my hands and when I asked for a real cup or mug they said no because I might break it....what a joke!!!


plus parking is a nightmare, so I would prefer a city centre venue, I am sure there are loads of bars/pubs we could approach for this


I am sorry to Hear about your bad experience at city limits, i can blame this on the fact that none of the previous staff here have had any catering or event training before they are all dancers who help where they can. This is why i have been brought in to develop the events and meeting side of things. I assure you the standards at city limits are a lot better now.

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i would be interested - i am setting up an exsiting restuarant i use to manage - and been offered to takeover - need to look at how to fund it - total cost around 25,000



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Hi agree with that too.


I have reduced the amount of money I spend on attending networking events as all you end up doing is financing someone else's business if you end up at too many. It's valuable time out of your business, in addition to the cost to attend and not all events end up being relevant or useful.


Thats very true - (the only people who seem to do well are printers printing business cards and people sellig stuff telling you how to be a better networker)


Best to keep it relaxed and lowkey.

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Low key sounds good! are we trying for a city centre venue or taking dean up on his offer? Just wondering if it is city centre shall we try and squeeze this in before september when all the students are back, no offence to any students - I am one!!!!

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