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How stupid?

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Stupid things people have done:


I was reminded today about someone I knew who decided to dye his jeans(no idea why). Being a student, he popped out to his local launderette bearing a packet of machine dye, and his jeans. He popped the dye into the drum of the machine (where it dropped through the holes and couldn't be seen.

Having done this, he suddenly changed his mind (in case someone saw him doing something so uncool, the idiot:lol: ), gathered up his jeans and left the launderette. Without telling anyone what he had done.

To this day I cringe at the thought of the next person who decided to use that machine... :o:lol:


Anyone else got similar tales of really stupid moments?:lol:

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A friend of mine put his clothes in the machine, popped across to the pub to buy a pint (so he could get change) ran back and put his soap and money in the machine. Returned to the pub for his beer, and more, and went back, eventually, to find his clothes just as smelly as before 'cause he'd put the money in the machine next to his.

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I once went to the theatre on the wrong night, and confronted someone who was sat in my seat, ushers came to inspect the tickets following the comotion, well lets say it was a trifle embarrassing, still get reminded by my wife now about it when we have an argument.


"You cant even take me to the theatre on the right night"

Blah Blah blah!!!

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The time I arranged to meet my ladyfriend at a certain shop in sheffield and I went to the wrong one and waited for one hour before realising I was at the wrong place.


When I finally arrived to meet her I said that I had been held up ion traffic and she beleived me, I have never told her the truth as I am too embarrassed.

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Originally posted by halevan

When I finally arrived to meet her I said that I had been held up ion traffic and she beleived me, I have never told her the truth as I am too embarrassed.


Hope Mrs Halevan doesn't read the forum then ;)


When I worked in Sainsburys, I had someone spent 10 minutes shouting at me because a can of dog food he'd bought had exploded in his kitchen and made a mess. His face was a picture when I pointed it was ASDA dog food :o

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My Brother went engagement party at a pub in Sheffield. He was very tired and that combined with the drink he ended up falling asleep in a corner of the pub. He woke up many hours later to find it pitch black and nobody in the pub. It seems everybody had gone home and nobody had noticed him there and locked up and left him there. He tried to find his way out but in doing so set off the intruder alarm and the dogs barking. Fearing what the dogs might do to him and that nobody would believe he wasn't an intruder he climbed out of a narrow window in the toilets.

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