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Where do older women hang out?


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My bold - maybe for your next one you could get rid of the in law bit? I was genuinely surprised to realise that a lot of the most popular erotic fiction on the internet is incest themed!


Apologies for the off-topicness ;)


Yeah, but having a thing for your bird's mum is natural, but having a thing for YOUR mum is, well, not quite right. :gag:

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Rubes, if I was over 30, I'd organise one! *cough* :blush:

Why are you telling ME that? It's Scozzie that wants am over 30s meet organised ... I go to plenty of age unspecific meets already! :P


In fact we shall be in the Washy this Sunday evening losing at the quiz again :D

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My bold - maybe for your next one you could get rid of the in law bit? I was genuinely surprised to realise that a lot of the most popular erotic fiction on the internet is incest themed!


Apologies for the off-topicness ;)


Hi Jessica23 :)


This is a very clear cut issue. If husband x and wife x divorce, then wife x’s mother no longer has anything to do with husband x. In fact, as often happens, they may never see one another again. They have no blood ties; the only thing connecting them in the first place was the fact that the mother’s daughter happened to be married to husband x. This is not incest. Cousins who I believe are legally allowed to marry in our country, are far closer genetically and therefore there is more of an incestuous element than the relationship between a mother and her son-in-law.


I am very against incest, actually, because in my experience of what I have seen of life, incest occurs most predominantly in our society when a parent is abusing their position of power over a child.


So, that’s cleared that up, and anyone else wanting to jump in just for the sake of an argument, if you want an argument about this subject, go elsewhere, because I won’t tolerate unjust accusations about my work now that I’ve cleared this point up.


As regards the morals of the story, one of the things that inspired me to write this book was personally witnessing so many people IRL and on the net under anonymous usernames, having affairs and being smug about the fact, saying that a) their partner would never find out and b) their partner would never do the same to them. I was so gobsmacked by the sheer arrogance of this, from both men and women having affairs, that I felt inspired to show the other side of the story. What if someone were having an affair and is so wrapped up in thinking how clever they are that they completely fail to notice that the partner they are cheating on is falling in love with someone else? This idea really intrigued me so I wrote a book about it.


In the case of my book, Mother-in-Law, Son-in-Law, the daughter Kate is having an affair with a right four asterisk called Colin, leaving her lovely husband Alex alone every weekend. Meanwhile Kate’s mother Julia, who is a lonely and voluptuous 55 year old widow, is ordered by Kate to go round to Alex’s and do the kind of household jobs Kate is neglecting to do herself (wait in all day for the delivery of a sofa and then help move it into place, that kind of thing) thus throwing Alex and Julia together. So morally, Kate was in the wrong in the first place, and you’ll have to read the book to see what happens to these people in the growing web of intrigue Kate’s spun into place.


I might say that Colin was the biggest joy to write, because I just put all the men I’ve known who’ve been rude, arrogant, vain and spiteful into Colin, and then gave him his just desserts. I was in tears of laughter writing Colin, he became real to me in the end, just like all the characters did, and I was really sad to finish writing the book because I didn’t want to say goodbye to the characters.


For those interested in buying the book, things are going to schedule with the publishing company and the book will be available to buy on Amazon in late August or early September, although the official publication date and launch isn't until 2009. Everyone who's seen the cover loves it, and Yog Sothoth can be seen around Hallam Square most lunchtimes giving the book the final edit before it goes to print. One of his colleagues saw him carrying it around the other day and on seeing the cover his eyes nearly popped out of his head...(you'll be able to see that in a few weeks when the new website for the book goes live.)

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Why are you telling ME that? It's Scozzie that wants am over 30s meet organised ... I go to plenty of age unspecific meets already! :P


In fact we shall be in the Washy this Sunday evening losing at the quiz again :D


I know very few people in Sheffield and I don't know a great deal of places to go.

If there are any age specific nights out, I would definately be there (if I am informed about them)

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