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When did the urban accent become the norm for our youth?

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Everytime I hear anyone under the age of 20 on TV nowadays they all seem to talk with an urban or Jafaican accent. It's bloody irritating, I bet their parents didn't raise them them with that ridiculous affected manner of speech.


In their own words "Mans got bare beef wit da yout'" Learn to speak English you little sods - It's a wonderfully flexible and expressive language and speaking it can actually get you a job.

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OK, turn off your TV instead.


As Jesus Christ himself said: "If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out. It is far better to enter Heaven with one eye than to enter Hell with two"


Or something like that...

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I think when a nation's in decline [ as Britain surely is ] and begins to lose confidence in itself, one of the symptoms is the phenomena of its ' Yoof ' aping almost any culture that is not of that nation.

Straight after the 2nd. World War, it was American culture, language, fashion, music .....etc...that was copied and since then.......well.......it's difficult to keep track of it all.

We all know that cultures ' give ' something to each other on occasions but it seems our ' Yoof ' go slavishly OTT, 100 %. This is just a personal opinion----but when our ' Yoof ' DO copy other cultures, why is it always the most simple, horrible, childish, ugly parts of the culture they usually copy ? Yeah, well, right on man, innit and Have A Wunnerful Day Y'All !

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