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When did the urban accent become the norm for our youth?

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Everytime I hear anyone under the age of 20 on TV nowadays they all seem to talk with an urban or Jafaican accent. It's bloody irritating, I bet their parents didn't raise them them with that ridiculous affected manner of speech.


In their own words "Mans got bare beef wit da yout'" Learn to speak English you little sods - It's a wonderfully flexible and expressive language and speaking it can actually get you a job.


Much of the time I suspect it's like that old Harry Enfield 'Kevin and Perry' sketch where they're talking to each other like gangsters until the mum walks in and then they talk very politely and in proper English.


Children think image is everything and will try to match whatever image is popular. Unfortunately at the moment that means acting like a d***h*** (imo).

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I Iz lukin 4 a new kru innit, i got chuckd outta me last 1 cuz me mam rang me maytes owse and sed i had 2 go home cuz it was bedtime init, n now me maytez laff at me an sez that im not in da kru anymore cuz of it, init.

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