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Thank God its Friday


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Thank God its Friday, again. Whats every one doing first thing you walk out of work? Me I go Cask & Cutler then Fat Cat, then my womans house for tea. I love my girl but just for about two or three drinks like to be by my self & think things through. Oh! also, love waking up on Saturday morning & thinking its time for work but its not really. Yahoo! Time for a pint

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I get that feeling really badly too - it normally starts about 9:01 on a Friday morning where I start to crave vodka.


There's nothing better than heading to the pub at 4 (leaving a huge pile of unfinished work behind me.....) and feeling the first drink run through your veins and you feel all smiley and relaxed!

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Originally posted by Tim42

Thank God its Friday, again. Whats every one doing first thing you walk out of work?


When I finish work tonight, or rather tomorrow morning at 4am, i'll be driving home listening to my ipod for about 40 mins then once i'm back in Leeds i expect i'll have a glass of wine or a bottle of beer while i do my paper work for the night, then bed. Makes no difference to me being a friday, still got to work tomorrow.



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