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Poor Anna - poem

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Oh deep and lovely Anna

I wish I could fix you with a spanner -

- take you into my shed,

gaze into your head

strip you down, oil you, and bang you back into shape with my hammer.

Then re-assemble you

buffed up, good as new.

But you’re not a carburettor

for a 68 Lambretta

Not a bit of old machine

That I can take apart and clean

You’re a real human bean


You’re vulnerable and complex

Of the deeper, more irrational sex

I can’t take you apart

I wouldn’t know where to start

The prospect would be frightening

Though your loose screws do need tightening.

But I do worry whether

you might break down altogether.

And for all the goodwill I send you

I still don’t know how to mend you

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