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John Mothersole is the new Chief Executive of the council

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  • 4 years later...
No matter what your political persuasion, his talent will be missed but I'm very hopeful that JM will prove to be every bit the worthy successor. I do hope that the new political and administrative set up can effectively dismantle Ye Olde Worlde Sheaffeld Labor Partie machine that has stifled this city for so long.


The Sheffield Council majority changed hands just a few weeks ago.


From reading comments on other forum postings similar to the above, obviously written by supporters or members of the party that gained control. I get the same,' gut ' feeling that made me re-think and leave the young communist league many years ago. Praise to the Leader he can do no wrong.


On the forum these days, some comments praise the new Council Leader as though he's a reincarnation of Joseph Stalin or Karl Marks though he as not had to face or solve a serious problem yet.


At the moment I don't think that the new Council have not had time to produce anything that may be justifiable criticized for. So before starting to nail anything and everything to the mast. Give them at least nine months.


We live in the same city, So let us all remember that if they are more successful than the party which I'm a member, the labour party. It will benefit all of us.

If they are not able to fulfill promises made. ' Out they should go '.


Well he's had the problem of Sevenstone to get his teeth into. He's had 5 years to get it sorted. And its been a farce. Time to step down?

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Well he's had the problem of Sevenstone to get his teeth into. He's had 5 years to get it sorted. And its been a farce. Time to step down?


He isnt the only one who should fall on their sword over this fiasco . Its a Disgrace that no one in SCC has been held accountable for this.

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Well he's had the problem of Sevenstone to get his teeth into. He's had 5 years to get it sorted. And its been a farce. Time to step down?


Five years? The charity I support has been waiting for its promised new premises in the Sevenstone development since before 2001.


The development was five years, MAX (huh) away from opening when the charity moved into its current, temporary premises, in March 2002.


We are now in April 2013, and we are still no nearer.

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Possibly a lost opportunity for sweeping out the corridors?




"John Mothersole has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council, subject to ratification by full Council at their meeting later today. His appointment follows a rigorous assessment programme held earlier this week, in which he was competing against a very strong field, and selection by a cross party panel chaired by Council Leader Councillor Paul Scriven.




hope he does a better job than his previous, CEO john should be able to sort sheffields council out after all he as years of experience of this council. and how it works well i wish him well for the future i hope he keeps his job longer than those he's left behind in his wake

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hope he does a better job than his previous, CEO john should be able to sort sheffields council out after all he as years of experience of this council. and how it works well i wish him well for the future i hope he keeps his job longer than those he's left behind in his wake


The announcement was made in 2008 when this thread was started, so he's been CEO for a long time now. ;)

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