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Closure of The Cage health club


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Basically marketing for gyms usually involves a little sharp practice - thats just the way it is. I'm always reminded of Timeshare when I get a gym sales pitch....


In fact from what I understood, one of their selling points was supposedly that they didn't have year long contracts.


I joined the place a year before it opened, just because of its convenient location for me. But as part of West One it had a lot of hiccups - they were supposed to have some aromatherapy facilties which didn't materialize - it just wasn't what it said in the brochure. It was obvious to me that it wasn't up to scratch and I pulled the plug on them after the first month.


I think the delays they had in opening enabled Virgin Active to jump in and take a slice of the pie they were hoping for.


That ludicrous lock / padlock thing I never bothered with so I didn't lose anything really, not having paid a joining fee.


Not sure I'd have wanted to pay for an annual membership a week before the place announced that it's closing. Best of luck with getting it back. And yes, bear in mind the staff will be a bit down when you complain - its always a drag when a place closes....

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Originally posted by PrincessSam

I'm really annoyed about this. I just joined on February the 7th, a whole 19 days ago. I paid a years membership, joining fee etc. Surely they must have had some idea when I joined that they were going to be closing, I mean, I doubt decisions like that are made overnight.


Can anyone recommend another gym not to far from the city centre?


S10 health on northumberland road. About 10 mins walk from the cage. Student gym open to all. Very good but a bit pricey for students(ironic)

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I've been with 'The Cage' since it opened. What a shame to see it close!

All who worked there seemed so attached to the place and they really gave individual attention to their members.


I hope all who joined recently get their fees (as well as their motivation to stay fit) back.

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it was doomed from the start as this was not ready in time for the opening in june it had already been delayed by about 2 weeks they kept pushing it thru thats why alot of the stuff they where having done was not done until after it had opened i could go on with more stuff about the company as i worked for the building company who built it and my ex used to work there

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sammysowls- Could you PM me with any other info you know about the company? Don't really think you should post it on here but if you have anything I can use against them it would be much appreciated. Aside from all the closing business they took money out of my account in February that they shouldn't have and they are now being very funny about giving it back. I'm getting rather concerned..had a huge argument with the manager yesterday...he keeps telling me he is going to deal with it "in due course"!!!


I the meantime any members reading this I would suggest you cancel your direct debits with the bank ASAP...I know the club have said they aren't going to take any more money but I'm getting a little suspicious. My boyfriend payed a year's membership upfront in September and has yet to receive a penny back!

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if they have took money out of your account which they shouldnt have and it was a direct debit they are by law to refund this back to you as governed by the direct debit grauntee also has the cage gone backrupt or in to recviership as it does not state this in the letters they have sent out

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I have spoken to some of the staff, and it seems that the parent company has for some unknown reason just decided to pull out the funding, despite the fact that the club was beggining to do well and had picked up a lot of new members recently. The staff, including the manager, all seem a bit confused about the reasons why the plug has been pulled on it, and they only actually found out last friday themselves that it was gonna close (so day before letters were received).


Apparently the space is going to be used for offices.

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