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No matter how often you watch it you cry


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It's worse when a little moment in a film gets you... i rarely cry at humans but Bruce Almighty, of all films, got me! The scene when she's sat on the bed after they've split up, she looks really heartbroken and it just struck a chord with me and i blubbed in the cinema! Mind you, I also did that at the water horse when they released Nessy! :hihi:

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Homeward Bound makes me howl, not attractive! Anything with cats or dogs and i'm blubbering straight away!


My god yes! I remember being about 10 and crying in the cinema when I saw that!! Especially the bit at the end when the old Retriever comes limping across the garden!! I'll have to make Cat watch it, but have a big big box of tissues close by!!


Have you seen the original, The Incredible Journey too?

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Don't forget homeward bound 2 as well.....


another sad film for me is all dogs go to heaven. god that makes me soooo depressed!


I never saw Homeward Bound 2, always feared it'd be rubbish and ruin the first one for me! Is it any good?

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