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1980s Motorcycle gangs

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What was the name of the gang that had a base at Page Hall in the early 1980s ? I believe some members were investigated over a murder that took place in Scarboro. A Rotherham solicitor wrote a book about it I believe.


I used to live near them, never bothered me. Some of the female members were stunners, strange tatoos though.

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that was it, "Druids", very strange phenomenom 1% cycle gangs. I remember one Sunday morning when about 50 bikes, nazi helmets, coffin sidecars, arrived to pay the Druids a friendly fraternal visit. There were a couple of hundred bikers in the Firth Park Hotel, one borrowed my Green un. Seemed nice blokes actually. The guy convicted of the murder took the rap as some sort of gang loyalty code.


Those were the days.

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