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The Future?

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What do you want for the future for yourself?


me personally, im old fashioned ;) i just want a nice house, nice job, and someone to love me do all that ;) oh and possibly some kids to carry on the RPG bloodline :lol:

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Haha thats nice RPG, I'm pretty much the same in that respect. But then again I suppose everyone wants a nice house and nice things etc.


In the future I would like to have a really good degree, a fantastic job as a uni lecturer, a good set of mates and a nice supportive partner or even Husband (if anyones ever crazy enough to want to marry me) lol! A kiddy would be nice aswell :D


Oh yes and on a side note, if anyone did want to marry me, it'd have to be in Florida, on the Grand Floridian Wedding Pavillion :D (I'm not asking for much am I?)

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I would like to publish a book, I am working on a fictional one at the moment, but if I ever feel like I have accumulated enough useless information I may share it with the world.


I hope I can bring my kids up well and that they are happy. I would like a bigger house with a garden rather than a yard so I can grow tonnes of veges and flowers and herbs.


Would like to pass my driving test too - though the thought of it scares me to death.



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Id like to be a high powered doctor, a consutant at a big general hospital and also a mother and a wife aswell as being fashionable and looking my best all the time. Id be the only doctor to wear a pink over coat with fur round the collar and sleeves but no1 could tell me not to cos id be the boss. Id have a country mansion in Dore where my husband would have his own accountancy practice or be the director of a large IT company so he and I shared the responsibility of the kiddies, who, by the way, would take after me with fashion and be the best dressed kiddies in school.

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Originally posted by halevan

I keep saying this but my ladyfriend doesn't agree, A VILLA IN SPAIN it is only fifty thousand pounds, what's that between friends EH.


Perhaps your not trying hard enough to convince your special lady friend. Your right about these villas. If you have one built you'll be able to sell at a profit before it's even been finished if you wish.

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I would like to have enough money so I could go back to my old summer camp where I worked for 2 consecutive summers for free for 3 months.


Then come home and have my own business still ticking over and money coming in to do as I please.

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