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Friday nights at Carling Academy.

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well i thought i would give it a while and then post up my thoughts about this night. All in all it aint too bad as it happens, crowd, although mostly out of towners, seems pretty up for it! And for once the prices at the bar seem reasonable enough too, shame they cant have the same price for booze at gigs. All the staff were polite and courtious from the doorstaff upwards nice to not have my feet sticking to the floor too and all in all i've had nothing but enjoyable nights there so far!


And now the grumble......


First up the exterior.

You would think that after spending all the money that they have on the place then they could at least give the place a clean? Guys, take a look at how they restored the music factory/palais building (R.I.P.) on London road, take a leaf out of there book yeah? Ok at nights it aint so noticable what with it being dark and the funky lights and that but in the day it just looks a bit... well shabby!


Self important DJs.

So in the main room there's (from what i can gather) two/three DJs right? the guy with the skinhead is a class act and really gets the crowd going, and lets be honest its a big floor! But when the other guy plays i've been looking over the balcony and it appears that the crowd are just mulling about you know? Add the fact that a room that size you want a DJ whos gonna interact with the crowd not some self important little indie boy (which i'm sorry is what he appears to be) This i think carrys on to the smaller room too, its pretty hit and miss to be honest, sometimes the guys playing are great then on other occasions guys like the club pony lot have been on and its just made me want to vomit up blood, your not in London boys so let it go! Your ment to be entertaining us the paying customers that in tern pay your wages yeah? Not being all moody playing some rare mix of a song that only you and your high brow mates care about, leave that to the big name DJs! Your ment to compliment the main room.


Anyways thats that, rant/review over! To all the staff at the academy i tip my hat to you all on this the end of your first half term as it were, as with all things room for improvement but cheers for tring to inject some life back in to the citys (once stagnant) nightlife!


And now dear Sheffield forum Readers i hand over to you!:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I'm going for the first time on Friday. As an Indie DJ myself I'll be interested to hear how they play. I've been told by friends that it's more commercial than the poster campaign led people to believe (which mentioned acts like Arcade Fire and Flaming lips) but then again you've got a room that holds almost 2000 to keep happy so I guess you have to be really. One of the main reasons going is the side room though...loads of good local DJs are playing trance there this weekend and it's going to be very full in there from what I can gather so should be fun!

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I'm going for the first time on Friday. As an Indie DJ myself I'll be interested to hear how they play. I've been told by friends that it's more commercial than the poster campaign led people to believe (which mentioned acts like Arcade Fire and Flaming lips) but then again you've got a room that holds almost 2000 to keep happy so I guess you have to be really. One of the main reasons going is the side room though...loads of good local DJs are playing trance there this weekend and it's going to be very full in there from what I can gather so should be fun!


Can't wait for the side room hould be fun :D:D:D

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I thought the Club Pony room really was good when I went.


It'd be better if it contained a real Pony though. Imagine that.. Maybe they could charge a small fee to ride it up and down the dancefloor.. I'd definitely pay.

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