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PE / Games at School

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i remember not being verry well off and mum used to buy me sodding white pumps

then when they was mucky i had to paint this crappy white stuff on to make em white again


god i got some stick for that ill tell yer everyone else had propper named trainers lol

once tried to get out of doing p.e. by saying id forgot my towel ,did it work NO !!! the horrible cow of a teacher made me get dried with green paper towels:suspect:

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It was no knickers for us.


It was an all boys school (redcaps) and we were not allowed to wear underwear for P.E. It was, we were told, unhealthy to sweat in them and then wear them the rest of the day.


Cross country running around longley park in winter was bloody freezing!

I had to wear extra long shorts to avoid embarrasment. :hihi:

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