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First Film you saw at the Cinema in Sheffield

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Don't know whether Snow white or bambi came first, but the first film I saw unescorted by adults was Ghostbusters. It was so good we went again the following weekend. Does anybody remember the ad campaign before the film? The ghostbusters logo was on every other bus stop, with no info. It had us bewildered for about a month!

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Originally posted by Greybeard

Who can remember what the film was the first time you went to the "Pictures"....how come we never went to the Cinema ?





My first time was at Beighton Cinema around 1960, the Saturday Matinee. Also used to go to the REX at Intake.


I can remember Frank Ifield playing "I remember You oo" waiting for the curtains to open.

Favourties to watch were "Little Rascals" with( Alfalfa, Porky, Buckwheat, Spanky. ) Also watched Zoro & Marvelman.


We used to place a penny in the aisle just in front of our seats and when someone bent down to pick it up we would kick them up the backside and send em rolling down the ailse. hahaha

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  • 6 months later...

First movie I remember had Bing Crosby in it. I think he was a Milkman, he was invited to sing a song and the microphone blew up in his face! Thats all I remember. I was still sitting on the tipped up seat, so I wasn't very old. With the knowledge of the passing years it could've been one of the ''Big Broadcast''movies,either '36 or '38. An old (very old) film buff will know.

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My earlies memory of the cinema was when I was at primary school - my mum used to meet me after school on a Thursday and she took me to the Classic Cinema in Fitzalen Square - this would have been around 1958 and I dont think it was called the Classic then - they used to show cartoons, Tome and Jerry etc.


The first 'proper' film I can remember going to the cinema for was a version of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' - it was'nt the Charles Laughton version - I can remember now that the bells he 'rode' on were huge and to a little kid scared the life out of me


My nan took me and it was the Oxford Picture Palace on Crookesmoor Road

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Used to go to the Saturday afternoon flicks in Nottinghamshire, cost 3d or 6d. Flash Gordon, Lone Ranger and similar stuff.


The first cinema film I recall, sometime in the 50s, was a French film about a little boy and a red ballon. It was a beautiful film, but although it left a lasting impression on me, I've never seen it since.


Slight digression: when I used to work in a children's home in Derbyshire in the early 70s, I started a cinema club for the kids -a lot of whom had never been to the pictures before. One Boxing Day, we took 20+ kids to see Oliver! Oh how true to life was this film for a lot of the kids. All the staff and most of the kids were crying buckets.

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