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First Film you saw at the Cinema in Sheffield

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The first film I ever saw at the pictures was The Sound of Music at the Gaumont in Barkers Pool in early 1970's.


My husband saw Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at Manor Top in the mid 60's but he can't remember what the cinema was called. Its been gone a long time now, its now a supermarket

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Remember going to the old cinema in Rotherham that had the man who used to pop up on his organ in between the short and the main film. I once queued to go and see 'Pete's dragon' through the whole first showing to the second showing and still only just got in... sat on front row with my neck craned. You'd never do it now!


My first film unaccompanied into Sheffield was to the Gaumont to see Footloose, I went at night as well! Thought i was well grown up. My mum had only allowed me to go to Rotherham before.


The Hey crusader! Have you any nuts? advert used to tickle me!

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I belive my mum first took me and my brother to see peter pan at the pictures, we went to the cinema that you use to get to behind the roxy faceing the bus station that was along that balcony were all shops are now. I can rember the first film i saw with my freinds that was back to the future with my first boyfriend too.

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  • 4 months later...
Who can remember what the film was the first time you went to the "Pictures"....how come we never went to the Cinema ?


For me it was Disney's 'Song of the South' and I think I was seven so it would be 1947 at the Abbeydale.


My Gran also took me and my sister to see 'The Red Shoes' with Margot Fontayne at the Gaumont in Barkers Pool. Can anyone remember what year that was showing ?





Sorry, can't remember the year, but I think Moira Shearer had the female lead in it.

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My first film was Mighty Joe Young at the old Park Picture House, South Street, Parkhill, mid to late 60s and onwards.Anyone else remember.


Wow I don't remember it as a picture house but I do remember it as a bingo place in the late 1960s Was it call the Embassy then?


If I remember correctly it was on the Right Hand side as you went down that steep cobbled street (Gilbert St.?), all other buildings long since demolished. Must have been a pub on the cobbled street too as I remember seeing the cellar hatch.

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