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Blackpool Tower sized windfarms

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Maybe those against them can put their details down on the ' I'll be sitting in the dark soon' Charter, you know, to back their opinions up.


Unless it's another case of ' not in my backyard'


Bring them on, more ideas the better, this country used to rule strong because people had great ideas and weren't afraid to stand by them.


It's easy to sit in your warm lit house now complaining, but what will you be doing to make any difference to the energy issues?

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I urge those who are in support to register their support. All to frequently we register our dissatisfaction, but not our support - if the council are to make a fair decision they should be aware of how everybody feels. If the ramblers and other groups are going to be affected who are from outside the area as the OP suggests then we should make ourselves heard too.


I work in Penistone and often enjoy walking in the area, and having wind turbines in that area certainly won't stop me. Indeed it could be interesting to make them a subject of a photography meet... :)

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when considering the objections to such plans, the council should set a limit on the energy consumption of those raising objection


In my book, if you're going to use electricity you can't really object to any new installation to generate the stuff!! If you've installed all the low energy lightbulbs you can, have installed a solar panel, and switch all your appliances off properly, you've half a reason to object ;)


How many people objected to the existing pylons in the area btw?

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as a side note, for some unbeknown reason planning permission was denied for additional turbines on the Bootle dockside - with a backdrop of the biggest scrap heap I've ever seen (and I've travelled through Rotherham by train :hihi: )


I'll see if I can find a picture later

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Natural beauty? It's overlooking Stocksbridge, and therefore most probably the steel works; I wouldn't call that an area of natural beauty. :gag:


More power to their elbow I say. It's got to be a lot better than a nuclear power station in the area. :thumbsup:


Have you actually visited the location? There's some great wild countryside around Stocksbridge.

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Yet nobody has provided any statistics to prove that they are ineffective and not worth their salt.



Look for yourself, Google the Danish experience of wind power and discover how they have covered the country with wind farms, but still run all their fueled power stations at full capacity as the wind cannot be relied upon to blow all the time.

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here we go - a small section of the Seaforth docks:



and a better view:



now how the heck did that objection manage to get upheld? :huh:


picture that scene without the wind turbines - and I can tell you from seeing both before and after that they're enhancing that waterfront!

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Look for yourself, Google the Danish experience of wind power and discover how they have covered the country with wind farms, but still run all their fueled power stations at full capacity as the wind cannot be relied upon to blow all the time.


Did you read the document I posted? :)

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a) they're beautiful

b) it's better for the environment than building another coal-powered station.


I'm for it.


Don't you think there should be a national policy though on where they are placed rather than leaving it to greedy councils to put them where they really shouldn't go.


Why not site them where they will have the least environmental impact, not doing so is hypocrisy.

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