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Carling Academy Smoking Policy


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Hi folks,


Just a heads up,


Carling Academy has interpreted UK smoking laws a step beyond the insane. :loopy:


As a customer to the venue, you are not allowed to go outside and have a smoke. :confused:


Now, I have no problem with no smoking in public buildings, but to say we can’t go outside and have a ciggy reeks of arrogance to me. Just my opinion. :rant:


So, in case you the reader, must visit the place, do be aware that for the whole time you are there, you will NOT be allowed to go outside due to their policy of no re-admittance under any circumstance. I paid 50 quid for two tickets, I am not impressed at all, in fact, this really pee'd on my enjoyment of the event.


So to CA management, please take another look at this rule of yours. :nono:


What do others think? lets see if we can get this thread going :)



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Not a smoker myself but I've been to a couple of gigs there since it opened with friends who do partake and they've never had any problems. As happened with the second poster they got issued with a wristband and allowed to go outside. Not sure why it was any different for you unless it's altered on a gig by gig basis at the discretion of the performer.

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kel110uk: Yup, it was a gig, we used the stairwell around the right hand corner of the building and not the front entrance. As you walk in to the foyer, the wall mounted framed policy sign is between the right hand side of the booth and the stairs leading up to the smaller gig room.


Gaikokujin: Defo strange, but I don’t think it’s gig by gig based due to the permanent nature of the framed sign. Therefore, maybe this is a new(ish) policy they have put into effect.


Oldprune: Indeed,

So to CA management, please take another look at this rule of yours.


Posting allowed me to semi-creatively rant it out so others do not have misguided expectations of the place. Also, others can report back here if they fall down this one too.


I did express my feelings to the doorman who was professional and sympathised, which is all good. Hey, who knows, they may even rethink what I saw ;-) I for one will not be going back without checking the policy beforehand.



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I've only seen the smoking area in use for club nights, never for gigs. I believe the reason for this is probably crowd control. At club nights, people will go out in ones and twos (and come back in such), but for gigs, everyone who smokes will leave as soon as the band comes off, and try and get back in as soon as they hear the next band. This can lead to trouble issuing things like wristbands, and crushes when everyone tries to get back in again, especially if it's a big headliner on a hot day - you potentially have 2000 people trying to get in through one set of fire doors at once.


My assumption - based solely on working in other venues and the way they have to manage crowds

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