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Arbourthorne School


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I will let you have these photos for your brother. I am not sure how to scan them but i am getting someone to help me with this tomorrow. So i will be in touch again. cheers


Thanks. I also went to the school which has now been demolished with a new one in its place.I was brought up overlooking the school so I have known it all my life.(60 years)

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I went to school here, oooh it's a long time ago, it would have been between 1947ish to 1952ish I think!! was'nt it called "Arbourthorne Junior & Infants School" with the infants bit on the right and the junior bit on the left, with a big hall building inbetween, seem to remember school teas were served in there, and did'nt we used to get into the school after hours and play alsorts of games, running around the place, untill the caretaker (Mr.Myers???) came and chased us away. life seemed to be so much simpler then, can't remember any names though, think I'm getting old!!!!

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I went to school here, oooh it's a long time ago, it would have been between 1947ish to 1952ish I think!! was'nt it called "Arbourthorne Junior & Infants School" with the infants bit on the right and the junior bit on the left, with a big hall building inbetween, seem to remember school teas were served in there, and did'nt we used to get into the school after hours and play alsorts of games, running around the place, untill the caretaker (Mr.Myers???) came and chased us away. life seemed to be so much simpler then, can't remember any names though, think I'm getting old!!!!


It was called the Arbourthorne Central county School.In the middle was the dining hall where I learned to hate beetroot etc.In the middle at the field side (the view from my bedroom window) was the nursery where I started at 18 months in 1948.Mr Myers and his dog ruined many of our football games.He was always chasing us off the field.I think even the CID were involved once I believe.I bit of overkill I think.We used to climb back over the fence and hide in a gap between privet hedges as we were frightened of him.He wouldnt last 5 minutes nowadays would he? Miss Walton was the Junior school head when I left in 1958 and my last teacher was Mrs Davies.I remember the school layout surprisingly well.The classrooms were around open squares and snow used to stack up the walls as you used to wait to go into the classroom stood in it.It definately snowed more in those days.

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