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Anyone from the Woodthorpe area?


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Joanl-----any idea what happened to Barbara Mc.Gowan and Ruth Robinson ? I lived on Audrey Road until about 1949 and remember them both after all these years ! I'm sure Barbara was a pretty girl, with fair hair and Ruth was tall for her age with darkish complexion and short, black hair.

Mind you, I was only 8 at the time so my memory might be playing tricks ! I do distinctly remember that maybe when I was a toddler, I couldn't say my ' R's ' properly and used to get laughed at for calling R.R. ' Wuth Wobinson ' !


Yes Barbara WAS blonde and I remember Ruth being involved somehow with the Salvation Army I recall she lived on Fishponds Road.....I don't know what happened to them after about 11 to be honest...always wondered and have trawled the Friends Reunited pages too, but with no luck.

Jonathon Ross has made a fortune with not being able to pronounce his R's hasn't he:hihi::thumbsup:

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I remember trevor if thats any gud lived on corner of chadwick and woodthorpe road


They moved in to one of the bigger houses on Richmond Road, father was a TV repair man but seem to recall he died quite young and the mum and 2 boys Trevor and Ian moved on to Richmond Road somewhere near the Davis' backing on to Richmond Park.


Incidentally (unless he bought it later) Mark Caterer didn't move in to the Pye's house he moved in to one of the houses opposite and did it all up. The house he and Beverley Jacques moved in to used to belong to the alcoholic couple her name was pearl and she used to roll up and down Chadwick Road off her head getting her whiskey form Mrs Howe's if it was open or the shop next to the Collivers (was it a co-op) at the top near the Hign Noon. I know this because Pearl's old Mum Mrs Smith lived on Chadwick Road between Michael Poole's house and my mum and dads house on the corner of Audrey and she was always there on the cadge

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when i used to go to the baths as a nipper would i be right in saying the house to my left (as i took the photo's) was a sweet shop?


others are right, the house directly to your left from this phote is where old Mrs Smith lived up until the mid seventies when she died- after that the Croft's moved in Betty and Herbert (he was a butcher in castle market and they still live there now) they had a married son at the time called Paul, twins Cheryl and Steven and a younger girl Leigh who would be say 45 now.... she married Russel Howe the granson of the sweetshop owner... the shop was the first building to your right as you took the photo.. below Audrey Road

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  • 1 year later...

Miss T.----I don 't really ' know ' any Maws now, but I went to Woodthorpe Primary school from about 1945-46 until 1949 and I can remember a ' Georgie Maw ' or ' Gordon Maw ' [ memory fading a bit ! ]. Not much help, sorry, but, perhaps part of the jigsaw ?

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Miss T.----I don 't really ' know ' any Maws now, but I went to Woodthorpe Primary school from about 1945-46 until 1949 and I can remember a ' Georgie Maw ' or ' Gordon Maw ' [ memory fading a bit ! ]. Not much help, sorry, but, perhaps part of the jigsaw ?



yes thats right, he was my grandad, but passed away now, i never got to know him because he died after i was born.

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MissT-----Glad to be able to give you a bit of info. I can even remember, vaguely, that your grandad was a fairly tall, thinnish boy, with dark hair. The only other name I remember from our class is ' Trevor Bullivant ' who lived on Chadwick Road, about halfway between the school & Woodhouse Road.

Did your grandad ever mention the lady who lived on the corner of Chadwick Road And Audrey Road ? Sometimes she used to make lovely toffee lollipops and we kids would call at her back door to buy one, after school, if we heard she was ' in business '. Our first teacher was a Miss Vaughn [ sp. ? ].

I dreaded leaving there and moving right across town, but like most kids, I suppose, I soon got used to my new ' borstal '----new canes, new detentions, new lines.......happy days really ! With the strict discipline,we kids felt more united and at least the teachers never used to mug us or beat us up after school !

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