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Anyone from the Woodthorpe area?


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Originally posted by Fareast


I went to Woodthorpe School from 1945-1949.

I think a Miss Burley was the Head of the Infants school then and there was definitely a Miss Vaughn. I remember Miss Vaughn well as when I was 6 years old I was in love with her and had plans to marry her when I grew up.

There was a Trevor Bullivant in our class and I think a boy called Gordon Mole [or Maw?]. That's all I can remember now . Going back a bit ! I remember a few kids from Audrey Road , though. We lived on there , near the junction with Lathkill Rd.

It was a long time after that when i went to that school.Didnt realise it had been open that long.Anyone know when it did first open.
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I'm not sure when the school was built either------I would guess sometime in the 1930's , roughly when the Woodthorpe Estate was built ?

I had a much older cousin and her and her friend were doing teaching practice at Woodthorpe school , during the war and they stayed at our house on Audrey Road.

At that time , by the way , Lathkill Road only went up half-way to the junction with Lowburn [?] Rd. and then it was all a big field , right through to Woodhouse Road. Masefield Road was a dead-end and Lowburn Road only had the odd house at either end.

I suppose they'd stopped building when the War started. Also at the bottom end of Audrey Rd. , opposite the school , there was a small field where they hadn't finished building. This was on the "bottom" side of Audrey Road. As kids , we loved playing in the fields and of course it was a short cut to Barnards Toy shop at the top of Woodhouse Rd !

One thing baffles me. They are re- building a school that was probably put up in the '30's. Yet they are still using schools which were built in the 19th. century. For instance , after Woodthorpe school , I went to Pomona St. school , built in the 1880's , I bet , and that 's still going strong. Anyone know why that is ? Is it to do with the building material ? Or , maybe the teachers at some schools are a rough lot , compared to others ?

Dee----you've made me feel ancient ! But----nice memories.

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hiya i live on the woodthorpe and have lived there all my life. I Went to the woodthorpe school but now at City school.

Woodthorpe is ok but i dont get sleep at night cus of joyriders lol. At woodthorpe school the head teacher was mr sandilands bout now he left and a new teacher took over. I live 2 seconds away from the woodthorpe school , on the rd called fishponds rd west.

Ime enjoying woodthorpe alot but now things are getting borin for us kids. ppl complane wen we play football on there front but we ave no1 else to play. We have no parks but all this is happining cus the Woodthorpe school is gettin rebuilt. Parts of the Woodthorpe school is now been nocked down but a new school is being built. Ime a kid her hangs round on shop but wen stuff happens ime off mens. We now have a curfue on Woodthorpe and have to be in for 9:00 which i think is a bit unfair, also the police say u cant be in a gang of more than 2 but ppl arnt really listenin to wot they say about that. Well ime out of hear bye !!

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"Tony and Janet leave The Springwood on 31 March. I’ve not heard if anyone is taking it over."


Yeah Tony n Janet left the Springwood on 31 March, and at the moment there is no current person taking it over though a local who goes in is thinking of taking it - will have to wait & see!!!


Crowny! - Your sis must be Nats, went to woodthorpe with her & City, also know our dad and uncle Ian!


The Richmond is getting a new Landlord, Mark Caterer, and think he takes over some time in the next month or so (not sure!) - The beer should get better then LOL.


I've live on the estate all my life accross from the shops and have now moved onto lower manor - but the estate has changed over the years. i'm in my 20's now but can remember every summer when the balloon factory was open the lifters used to come and give us kids 100's of balloons!


Old Mr Twirly (who's still knocking about), Geeny Woods, the Green shop! Binda's knackered the shops up - it's true that U walk in now & there's nothing, & if there is, it's waaaay over priced. Lived on the Corner house on Hastilar Rd South (just opposite shops for 21 yrs 82-03) always had the BEST garden every summer until we sold it last year! :-(


One last thing - anyone remeber when that hot air balloon landed on the field? he1 he! he!



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Originally posted by Spaulding

does anyone out there have relatives who remember springwood cottage, which used to be half way down pit fields?

Dont recall it myself or my memory is going but will ask some relatives see if they know :)
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Thanks for the photographs----very interesting , but sad too.

I went to the school from '46 to '49 and we lived on Audrey Road , so it brought back a lot of old memories.

By the way , have you any idea why they had to rebuild it ? Is it to do with the building material they used ? A lot of schools built in Victorian-Edwardian times are still going strong.

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